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tesseract: per new forum rules, we aren't allowed to say alot about this,

but i think you found the right tools, and using windiz is a good thing (the best thing)

to do.


if you need some advice and tips, you should PM one of us. i will say you did a good job researching. we've taught you guys something. awesome!


Casek, i'll take your word those things being dealt properly. I think i'm done with that stupid WGA shit. Thanx

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Casek, i'll take your word those things being dealt properly. I think i'm done with that stupid WGA shit. Thanx


WGA is a pain. i made the mistake of not turning off automatic updates after a fresh install, got that little wga thing fucking with me. it was a pain in the ass to get rid of it (this was when microcrap started implementing it before "hacks")

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johnny? when did the slow down start?


Worm sparks rise in zombie PCs

Malicious code that exploits a recent Windows hole has led to significant growth in the number of hijacked PCs, according to messaging security company CipherTrust.


i just noticed it last night for the first time.... it was taking a long time for tabs to load.... i did my usual open ch0, open every thread i wanna look at in a new tab, and the tabs were takin 30-40 seconds to load.... it never taked more than a few seconds especially with hardly any images in the threads....


questions for the future: if i start playing around with linux (because im about to come in to possesion of 2 or 3 used pc's) can i use the photoshop(and obviously illustrator, etc)?

fruity loops?

what kind of jpg viewer (comparable to windows picture and fax viewer thingy)?



ps. im still having troublethinking about letteing go of symantec on my home network... any info that will help me off the fence?

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norton is bad. get rid of it.


as for linux: no, you can't use photoshop and illustrator. there are open source apps that do the same stuff and will save to the same .ai files and whatnot. no fruity loops, either. set linux up on one of those machines. play with it for awhile. get used to it. it may not do the things you want to do, but you could wind up liking it alot.

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little update on that program i posted lastnight/thismorning


Programs that SymNRT can remove

SymNRT removes these--and only these--Norton programs:


* Norton AntiVirus 2004/2005/2006

* Norton AntiVirus Professional 2004

* Norton AntiVirus 3, 5 and 10 User Pack 2004/2005/2006

* Norton SystemWorks 2004/2005 Professional Edition

* Norton SystemWorks 2005/2005/2006 Premier

* Norton SystemWorks 2006

* Norton SystemWorks 2006 Basic Edition

* Norton Password Manager 2004

* Norton Internet Security 2004/2005/2006

* Norton Internet Security 5 and 10 User Pack 2004/2005/2006

* Norton Personal Firewall 2004/2005/2006

* Norton AntiSpam 2004/2005/2006

* Norton Ghost 2003/9.0/10.0


All you need to do is to download the tool by clicking here.

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norton is bad. get rid of it.


as for linux: no, you can't use photoshop and illustrator. there are open source apps that do the same stuff and will save to the same .ai files and whatnot. no fruity loops, either. set linux up on one of those machines. play with it for awhile. get used to it. it may not do the things you want to do, but you could wind up liking it alot.


Norton is not your friend.


But...I finally get to say it. CASEK'S WRONG!!! But, he's right, too. I'll explain. Or try to, at least.


There is a Windows emulator for Linux called WINE that allows you to run Win32 apps in Linux. The reason casek may have neglected to mention WINE is that it sucks. It's hard to config, and it's slow. It's one of those things that you would use only out of sheer neccessity.


Emulators are cool in theory, but I find that in practice they only work well for certain things. I use one for XP called Cygwin that opens a UNIX shell on the desktop, and I only use it for two apps (mc and LAME, which are a file manager and mp3 encoder). Beyond that, fageddaboutit. It's back to the old Linux box.


Sourceforge has all the Linux apps you could ever imagine, and some you would never even think of. Also, there's apt-get...that's got about 19,000 apps, and these sites called RPM (Red Hat Package Management) lists that have even more junk to wade through. Most distros use one, if not both of these, as installers for apps...I'm sure this seems arcane and weird, but it's not...it's just different from what you're used to. Is it better? I think so, and I can help you out with the Linux stuff, since I spent the past year using it full time and know a thing or two. However, I suggest you do a lot of research on your own. I learned the hard way, and to some degree I encourage you to do the same.


Keep your XP box handy, though. That was my big mistake.


To start with, get MEPIS 6.0 (http://www.mepis.org). Once you have the ISO (disc image), burn an ISO CD of it at 4x speed with Nero (there should be something in the help file that tells you how to do it, or check the MEPIS site...failing that, someone here will explain), and we'll go from there.



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johnny they are both wrong hahaha


knoppix is the best starter but do not install this to your harddrive install to Virtual PC http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtualpc/default.mspx like i posted above


you go to http://iso.linuxquestions.org/download/http/www.kernel.org/KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-EN.iso

and download knoppix this is an .ISO use Alcohol 120% and mount the iso image to a drive made by the Alcohol 120% program


IM me and i will tel lyou the rest

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A spokesperson for the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project on Aug. 22 confirmed to DesktopLinux.com a report that 500 field tests of its low-cost, portable, Linux-powered computers will begin in September, with working devices set to begin rolling off the production line in November.


The OLPC project aims to distribute -- free of charge -- millions of Linux-based laptop computers, complete with their own power sources, to needy children in developing countries around the world.


OLPC founder and project leader Nicholas Negroponte reportedly told ZDNet-UK Aug. 22 that the field trials will begin "everywhere the laptop is required at roughly the same time."


The laptops will be manufactured by Chinese computer maker Quanta, and are widely expected to run a version of Fedora Linux, although that has yet to be confirmed.

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casek, send that shit back to her on some time bomb viruses and shit... tell her this is the last time youre fixing it for free.... like 2 weeks or a month after she gets it just have the thing eat itself..... but make it an easy fix so if she is willing to pay you this time it takes about 10 minutes and you can claim 10 hours.... and that should make up for lost time, or at least get her off your back...

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hey tesseract:

ask raven or one of the other administrators if they

can set up an ip block list for this site to block a given set of govt

and police ip addresses. i'll provide or show them where to get full lists

of such ip's.


i know he's pretty busy atm, but one of the other admins will know.

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I'll forward your idea but you can also send a PM to psm. He's the admin these days. Its a good idea but quite frankly everyone has to get used to the idea that police WILL ALWAYS BE AROUND HERE and act on that. We never had a security breach or problems from that fact. The problems appear when members start running their mouths and are being careless. Now, if you could provide a list with IP's that belong to the idiots that act like the police doesnt monitor these forums it would fuckin awesome.



BTW, can you guys run a search on your favorite torrent sites for a piece of software called ECOTECT for pc. I'm in desperate need of a copy and my torrent sites cant find it.


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hey tesseract:

ask raven or one of the other administrators if they

can set up an ip block list for this site to block a given set of govt

and police ip addresses. i'll provide or show them where to get full lists

of such ip's.


i know he's pretty busy atm, but one of the other admins will know.



thats still not gonna stop the over zealous cops browsing from home...




* and itll prolly piss them off so they try extra hard to fuck with us... makes us look like we have something to hide

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i searched, couldn't find it off hand. will keep browsing.


well, one thing the ip blocklist would do is keep snoopers out.

if they browse from home, there is no court case. you can't put on your uniform

off hours and walk around arresting people. same thign applies to

cybercrimes. they have to be on the job. i have lists with ip's of police departments.

whole ranges of cybercrime divisions, cia, fbi, naval intel, etc etc etc.

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