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dephy: i'm downloading special forces for bf2 while i sleep.

armored fury is next. best get to work on that new machine.

maybe mainter will join in on the fight?


we'll get a battlefield thread started.




that would be cool.. I haven't gotten bf2 yet cuz my cpu can't handle it, but I got a new job,


so I'll be buying a new cpu soon (no really, I will)

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yeah, i didn't realize the combat is so close.


how do people learnt o fly the planes and heli's so well?

that's very frustrating with a mouse/keyboard.

haven't checked to tsee if my usb controller will work on bf2 yet.

guess i should.



armored fury.......is next. takes place in middle america? is that correct?

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awww someone must suck at this game huh?


I wan't really that bad at bf... it was just that whenever another player came onto my screen my cpu would slow down really really bad, thus aiming to shoot someone took a few seconds, by which time I was killed usually. I think most of my kills were from players with even slower shit

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