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iTunes 6 DRM crack for Windows

myFairTunes 6 is the latest iteration of a recent series of cracks for tracks purchased from the iTunes Music Store. It converts your music from the iTunes Music Store proprietary format to MP3s that you can play on any pocket-player, without having to go to the bother of burning your purchased music to a CD and re-ripping them (something that's not practical with expensive audiobooks, anyway). This is presently Windows-only, and only runs in real-time (meaning that it takes 16 hours to rip a 16h audio-book), but they're promising a 6x realtime upgrade with the next version, and a Mac version can't be far behind. Link (via Gizmodo)

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15 Steps to Install Windows XP on a Flash Drive


If you've a weekend to spare, it's probably the best time ever to read over this 2-mile long tutorial on how to install XP on a 256MB flash drive. Is it worth the effort? Yes should you think you need to hone your skill on tweaking and hacking. This 'XP On Your Thumb Drive' article spans over 4 pages and contains 15 procedures as well as requires you to extract files from a 300MB Windows service pack & to download various utilities, such as PEbuilder.



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Guest R@ndomH3ro
no, we're not sneaky. sneakandcrap is sneaky. all that military covert poop training.

nigga knows how to sneak into your camp, poop on your girlfriend (without her knowing) and wipe his ass on your sleeping bag in less than 3 minutes. brings new meaning to "silent but deadly"


Its true, I once broke into my friends house while he was sleeping and bombed his whole house with shaving cream without him knowing. He was pissed when he woke up.



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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Also thanks for all the Linux links, I browsed threw some and look like good reading.



Just to let you know Shai, there will be more n00b questions as I poke around the Kmoppix Cd I got. Know any good sites for Linux drivers? The actual version we are using for class is Fedora Core 5, but I think if I get good at the Kmoppix STD command nerd shit, then that should be easy. Immersing myself in code line to learn

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Can you install Windows and Linux on the same computer?? I think you could, but just wondering if that would be against nature or rip a hole in the space time continum

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Sneak- there's a *nix utility called GRUB that's a bootloader for dual systems. The other one is called LILO (LInux LOader)...don't use that, stick with GRUB. It recognizes Windows.


Or, just run live CD sessions. If you have enough RAM and a second CD/DVD drive, it will make all the difference.


I recommend-no, make that INSIST- that you try using MEPIS 6.0. It uses the KDE desktop, which blows GNOME clear out of the water. Plus, it has a lot of apps and utilities you will need for everyday use, and isn't too reliant on you having to know much about the command-line.

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