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this bitch is getting annoying. 2 more calls. fucking stupid. i'm about to hit her with the "pay me to fix it or pay someone else twice as much" deal.


i'm really tired of people right now. so fucking demanding when i'm just helping them out.

for free. i don't think they put the "hey, he charges $30 an hour to do this for other people"

thing and "he's doing this for free for me" together. or maybe they are and they're just taking advantage.


this doesn't include some people on 12oz. i do it when i do it now.

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i feel your pain casek... everyone who knows someone who knows me thinks that entitles them to free shit and they are gonna be my top priority....


yeah, i think alot of people know how it feels. money is priority.

even though i don't like to be that way, tough shit for me and

everyone else.


i really don't mind helping people. honestly. it's not a bad thing.

but some people just use and use and use and then start demanding

you help them and asking "why isn't it fixed yet?"


i think this thread is a labor of love for those of us who maintain it,

answering questions, providing advice, etc. it's mostly cool here because people can't call you and bug you. not all of you can. in fact, no one that knows my number from here has actually ever annoyed me.


eh, the venting is over for now. until next time this dumb bitch calls back, that is.

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i got your number. but we have BF2 mega plans.. so i know i dont annoy you. btw.. theres this one clan's video i watched last night.. we need to get to their status.. hold on ill be back with a link.


nah, like i said. it's just the people i refer to as "users".

people who don't know shit about computers. and i mean



a little back history about this bitch: manager of wendy's.

i hate their food and i hate dave thomas. constant user of

myspace. american idol fan. constantly on yahoo messenger.

doesn't know how to install or update much of anything.

has no idea about antivirus, firewall, her computer. pretty

much lives in a bubble filled with all of those things.


when i put it into that perspective, it should make alot more

sense as to why i'm complaining. i HATE those people.


as for BF2....dude. it's onnnnnnnnnnnn!

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Yeah, casek....I gotta bone to pick with the people who define the "I broke it and I don't know how and it's going to cost HOW much to fix it? OMG OMG OMG" archetype, too.


These are the people that have no clue as to how things work...in that they've never changed the oil in their car, let alone attemped basic repairs/maintenance, because "that's what the shop is there for"....so, when something breaks and it don't go no mo', they have absolutely NO idea why, but are mad as hell because they can't imagine having to walk five blocks to the store for their TV Guide and Twinkie fix. It's fine by me if they do have the foresight to keep it tuned up and THEN it craps out, but that's rarely the case.


I think I can top your story, though. I mentioned my neighbor here a while ago...she had a bunch of WMA files she couldn't play thanks to DRM. Now, get this- she's pretty good with computers, in that she got her wireless up and running without any help. So, knowing that, I asked her how she got all these bad files, and she said, "Oh, Limewire..."


I shuddered, and told her to STOP USING LIMEWIRE, or else she was going to regret it. I recommended some other sites, then installed Firefox, Avast, Kerio, Spybot and Ccleaner (after unNortoning the comp, of course) and ran them all (those logfiles were something else, BTW) and said, "Okay, that should do it...but, whatever you do, DO NOT USE LIMEWIRE EVER AGAIN. If you do, and it blows up in your face, I'll know." And, what do you know...two weeks ago, I get home and there's a panicked message on my machine, saying her comp is powering on and off like it's possessed, and it's got all kinds of error screens.


Awesome. I go to her house, lug the damn thing home, and pop it open...and, I swear to God, it looked like Don King lived in there. I'm sure I was the first person to ever see the inside of the computer since it left the store, so I grabbed some air, went out on my stoop, and let 'er rip...and unleashed a mushroom cloud of funk that made me sneeze for about twenty minutes, which is about how long it took to get the inside of the case emptied out. I forgot to mention that she lives in a warehouse loft with two cats- it's bad enough to make my eyes water just thinking about it...so, now that I can actually see the HD, I pull it and hook it up to my Linux box. Find her home folder, check to see if her media files are there...they are, along with a folder marked "limewire" that had been modified three days earlier.


Well, how 'bout that! Vindication is always a nice thing, but when I tell someone something like, "Don't touch that frying pan, it's hot," and they say "DUHHHHH" and grab the handle with both hands...I get irritated. But, I had a chance to make a point, so here's what I did.


I put an old HD with a clean install of MEPIS in the box, along with the offending XP HD...booted it up, made sure that Amarok and K3b (media player and CD burning suite) worked, and called her.


"So, good news and bad news."


"You found my stuff? That's great!!!"


"Yeah, it's all there...the bad news is, you have to use Linux for a while. I'll explain the basics, it's not too tough to get the hang of..."


"Linux? How come?"


"Well, if I did a complete rescue of all your personal files, I'd have to charge you for it...and, it's a big job, there's about 40 gigs of media on there, and honestly, that's time I could be spending with my girlfriend, or fixing my own comp....and, XP viruses don't affect Linux, so there's that, too. The bad news isn't done, though. Once I show you where your stuff is on the system and how to back it up, I'm dropping it back into your lap, and YOU can do all the recovery. As I see it, I already did more than I said I would, and I did it for free because you're my friend. But, I see this as a great chance for us to both learn a lesson- you need to be accountable for what happens to your computer, since it doesn't go out and get viruses without some intervention on your part, and I need to learn to be a little less forgiving when people don't take my advice, and end up coming to me with their ass in a sling because they know I can be counted on to clean up the mess. I don't mind helping out, but..."




Me- "I'm not trying to piss you off, or belittle you...if you had went to CompUSA instead, you would have spent a few hundred bucks getting this straightened out, and they would have told you the same exact thing. If you want to be mad at me for being truthful, be mad...the main thing is you have a working comp now, and all the important files are there, so whenever you're ready I'll drop it off and explain what you need to do."


Remarkably, she apologized, and said that she was grateful that I had spoken up...and, I ended up getting a twelve pack out of the deal, so it all worked out. Plus, she likes the new system, too.


But, I swear...I wish a LOT more people used Macs, sometimes. Then, I could just shrug my shoulders and point them to the Apple store.

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oh we will. we will destroy. all that jumping around looks so pussy, but those guys are killin me with their bad ass assault tactics. blastin fools all over.


mainter: yeah. for real. this bitch has called my phone 4 times today. i spent a better part of 2.5 hours this morning walking her through getting spybot and sw blaster on her computer. then trying to get her to follow along as i instructed her on doing simple things via IM.

dumb bitch doesn't get it. telling her over and over and over.

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Yeah, I had been meaning to drop that gem on you for a while...she's a nice girl, but she smokes the dope like it's going out of style. It's also that I keep my comp really, really clean, and have not one, not two, but FIVE HD's (two in software RAID, two in JBOD, and one for the system) running, so it's a matter of knowing what I know (thanks, BTW) and doing what it takes to keep the show on the road.


Here's another funny one, a lot shorter...I was trying to share files on a certain P2p with my GF, and it just wasn't happening...so, I checked to see what was the problem...as usual, the ports her comp were listening on weren't set up right, so I told her I figured it out, but hadn't fixed it because I wouldn't want anyone switching things around without permission...so, she called me last night, and said, "Hey, did you check your ports yet? Mine are all set up, and it's working again, so thanks...but, you should look at your ports, too, since I still can't see any of your files."


I did, and lo and behold, she was right. So, now I'm off to portforward.com to hash this out.

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this just popped up randomly:


Scan type: Realtime Protection Scan



Event: Virus Found!

Virus name: Downloader

File: C:\DOCUME~1\JASON~1.COM\LOCALS~1\Temp\khdl.exe

Location: Quarantine

Computer: ***

User: ******

Action taken: Quarantine succeeded : Access denied

Date found: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:58:51 PM

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