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boston's sketch thread


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ok ya'll going nuts over me like ya'll ACTUALLY know what your talking about. i think im gonna let ya'll cry and make threats, cause after all, ive been watching this site for years and its all ya'll ever do. And as for aroe, i would never do such a thing nor would anyone in my crew , that goes for AWE and AEA. as for the rest of ya'll , most of you fucks never touched a wall when me , jas, spn, and nomad were doin it big. exceptions for olschool vlk n ftk, otherwise bite my balls or bring it forest hills side bitches

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seriously, dont run your mouth without asking proper the questions, dont want to see a bunch of your shit dissed over the fact that you couldnt speak your mind about the situation (which never happend) like a man. and i mean man , im willing to discuss this reasonibly, but if you just want to tell complete strangers they need to be thrown off a you may want to hold your tounge b/c you dont know who your tlaking too. this isnt a measuring contest lil homie....check your self be fore you wrek yourself.


p.s. my shit sure as hell shouldnt be in a sticker section thats for sure. if it aint say AAWE or AEA then it aint me. bottom line...

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easy man chill out. being corduele (fuck my spellin) bout this. and i KNOW you, know how we get down. that goin over aroe shit is crap. im just gettin back into tha game after like a 4 year hiatus.....and after a few phone calls bout the aroe spot, we can honestly say, that claim is bullshit, and there better be proof go back it up. tired to all these false acusations n shit, and lil dookes cant back up the claim.....all i tried to do was add a sketch to a SKETCH thread!!!.....

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