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dang. all this time i thought smere was a taggger.

Dont get me wrong I LUV TAG ART.Its soooo ELEMENTAL. Maybe now that Im back at my old stomping grounds Ill start while Im behind since apparently Ive never done any of that stuff before.




Man some people really take this whole 12oz thing awful seriously.

Pantys all in a bunch.

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Look faggot. I dont live in your city any more. I lived their for a year I painted hundreds of freights in that time. I dont pretend Im up in dallas I paint freights and could give a fuck about dallas or being up in it. Get a life homo.


hahaha in you're post you made sure to tell everyone upfront that was a dart trackside cause you want people to believe you paint the street...the blue line doesn't count homie. it's just real talk man. stick to your freights.


bump deano and his oil bars in cutty alleys all over texas

bump bored.

no bump for posing.

no bump for blue line.

bump vagina,titties,beer, and insect warfare.

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hahaha.....funny i remeber erok and bjaer krushin out the highways and streets way harded in a period of 4 months then you have in the past year hahaha.......you taggers are SO silly hahaha.....also its definately a not a good idea to call them "freight homos" either because i guaranteed mr erok could burn and beat any of you weak emos kids ases in a minute so shut the fuck up and quit whining and acting like your hard and go and work on your styles rather than jocking the same shit you've been on for the past year and a half

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Not for nothing, but where I come from the only people that pride themselves on "downtown" ups are outatowners passing through and artfag types that go to artschool in that area. Real rep is earned from bombing the hoods and going all city. I don't know anything about you or the dude you're arguing with, I just thought it funny that you called someone scared to go downtown. Like downtown's the hood or something.:biglaugh:

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someone should delete this thread...................smere, you and your freight homo buddies need to go start a website and post all your freight flicks that nobody gives a shit about and leave them out of this allready horribly ruined thread


bump KARS BORED PIZZA, even though we hardly have any shit on here because we are some broke ass fools without cameras that really could care less about getting every flick of our shit. and this aint san francisco, so we dont have random nutriders grabbing all our flicks for us.WE RUN DALLAS. AND THATS REAL TALK.


"broke ass fools without cameras"? someone posts ya'll's flicks on flickr with a digi rebel. that ain't no broke ass camera. and the user name on flickr is the same as someone uses on here. so someone's got a camera... post some flicks and show us how up you are.


and on the cool, there's lots of flicks from that last page that're from dallas: i haven't posted flicks in a hot minute and i stay in north dallas, and i've seen some of that shit up. i don't spend a lot of time near downtown dallas, so i can't say for sure that bored isn't destroying half the streets near there, but i haven't seen it.


only bored shit i've seen lately is an etch tag downtown and one marker tag on the dumpster in front of tx hydro. and i thought rewd was saying on citynoise that pizza was a snitch? i saw a pizza marker tag on a trash can at a parking lot near downtown recently, but that's it.


let's be real, nobody is "owning" dallas right now. if i can't drive down any freeway that goes downtown and see your shit every 5 exits, then you're up, but you don't "run shit". that's real talk.


and i'm not in HD; i have no friends that write, etc. etc. i couldn't give a fuck about the drama, i'm just telling it how it is. you go to houston, you see GY shit (or faded old DTS, but some difference). if you go to Austin, you see RGK/JK tags (all the fills are gone now, the buff is the most up out there). here in dallas, you don't see much. if we're talking crews, i see more shit from debt alone writing out the names of his whole crew than i do anyone else. might just be the area i stay in, but that's the word.


i will say that downtown dallas is a spot you'll get respect for though because bombing is hard out there. lots of cops and heros.



oh, haha, and the website for HD shit is http://www.dallaspolice.com . we all know that...

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that fag smere posts 1 flick of a dart spot and acts like hes up in my city..............that kid doesnt have 1 tag running in this whole city............stop posting flicks of your own shit and acting like you're up...............this is the most innacurate thread i have ever seen...........i go out last night and catch fills and do more tags than smere has in his whole career, and the only thing that shows up as "dallas stuff" is one smere spot................hahaha, if you arent from texas and you are checking this thread out, dont judge the ups of people by looking at this page...........its fuckin stupid.


bottom line is. . .street or not, smere has had a stylistic influence on people that you can see through these posts, even if it's just kids in his crew. that says something. and it's pretty obvious(even to an outsider) that he's a freight dude and not super interested in street shit so. .


and if "you go out and catch fills and tags" and no one's fliking it you have two options: post them yourself or sit tight, relax and see if someone else thinks they're tight enough to post.

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one more thing, then i'm off the soapbox:

as far as downtown shit goes: it is a "hood" and i do think so many of these kids painting today are so young that they never go downtown at all or(like in austin) they think lamar is downtown. all i'm saying is that there are more cops, more buff and more civilians downtown and people that put in work there often get overlooked because the babies can't get into bars.

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haha, the only highway spots erok and bjae have ever had were out in the fuckin boonies.............too scared to get a highway spot downtown........every spot i see them getting is a joke and makes me laugh when i see it........


take a 10 mile walk around down town and east dallas and THEN tell me erok blow job have ups


dumb ass


HAHAHAHA..You toys make me laugh..ESK...thats what you need to do is EAT FUCKIN SHIT and DIE..noone in dallas respects you fags except for your toy ass PTC counterparts...YOu toys have been painting for like 3 years tops..respect your elders bitch or get dealt with...Kars is a fake ass wannabe waster...Rewd Bored whatever tha fuck he writes is TOY and will always be toy..He used to jock us and smoke all his weed up with us at tha wall hopin one day he could be like us 1 day..and any of you PTC toys want to jump back on this shit with me come on with it your boy got knocked tha fuck out his shit stole and I alone capped all your spots off in 1 night..come on you guys aint kings..shit I aint no king but Ive been around way longer then you homos..so recognize...and theres more to Dallas then just East Dallas you fakes...Oh and fr8 fags have you homos not realized fr8s roll around tha country which means when you paint 1 ur name goes across tha country...hahahahaha...GET IT....props to tha real dtown killers..you know who you are....

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hahaha in you're post you made sure to tell everyone upfront that was a dart trackside cause you want people to believe you paint the street...the blue line doesn't count homie. it's just real talk man. stick to your freights.


bump deano and his oil bars in cutty alleys all over texas

bump bored.

no bump for posing.

no bump for blue line.

bump vagina,titties,beer, and insect warfare.




haha this guy here....

you'll be all over catching them freights in no time...

i bet next week youll be posting flick hoping people will bump you...

not gonna happen with that attitude....

i miss texas...but im glad im in frisco...

bump that stale also!!

I loves me some frieghts....too bad i have to go cross the bay to get em..:(

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