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Re: Maine Funk


Nothing is different than it ever was. "These days" are pretty much the same as 'those days", people look different, styles change, butall in all, things stay the same. None of you are old enough to be jaded about anything. Being jaded is giving up on something.


Legal walls have always been that way, they are not an open invitation for anybody. They are run selectively, so that they look good at the end of the day.


Go out and paint graffiti, stop wasting your time talking about painting graffiti on here. Lets see photos.


Go fucking paint.


Go fucking paint.


GO out and paint. Go DO graffiti. Thats what its all about, nothing more. None of my style influences were remembered for how much they talked about graffiti.


Respect to all those people in Maine not on here wasting their time talking and actually writing.


Exactly!! It amazes me how much young (under 30) dudes are into legals and getting paid to do graffitti nowadays! Im almost 35 years old and legals and paid shit bores the crap out of me!! and I didnt even think of doing them until around 30.. I hate that I have to do alot of that now.. sucks! I only wish the dudes bombing these days in Portland, would pay more attention to the craft of Graffiti, that is their handstyles and placement... A nice drippy hand on a dumpster beats the fuck out of 6 recycled hallows on cumberland ave. it also beats the fuck out of some faggy commish gallery job or a retarded 100 color MSK bite on the legal wall, that is automatically flicked and put on the net. I long for nice hands in Portland and this city having a identity again.. from 96-04ish it seems writers paid more attention to doing quality spots and working on their hands (damn we live a 1 and a half hours from a city that has some of the historically sickest hands in the world). I think their is potential in some of the dudes bombing nowadays or in the last year or two, esko, herby,turdl,cevs, raket,crave,main.. some need to stop worrying about doing legals and others need to stop worrying about being called "dick riders" and being hard core (its not hard to get up in Portland) and realize that anything you do in graff has been done before, so consequentally we all ride dicks! Thats why graff is a trade and not a art form! You cant reinvent a good hand or nice clean simple letters, the standard has been set.. the skill is in executing it and getting up with it! Yeah you can add new twists and be creative, but that usually happens in rare cases or many years down the road. Really.. their is only a handful of people who have really bombed this city the right way.. Sept, Alke, Jurne, Onik,Hebe,also pre 2000's case,baste,bern,rich.. I would add Learn,Lack, and Cemek in their too for different aspects (handstyles,being influential,placement, longevity). Many people I know would say "onik" what the fuck? but lets be real.. dude put in work! Only Alke can really hold a candle to his flat out destruction.. I may not have always agreed with the way he did it, but at least he did it! and it was actually Graffiti!! So their you go.. my updated old ass rant on the state of graff in this city.. Now go Paint! Stay safe!

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Re: Maine Funk


Nothing is different than it ever was. "These days" are pretty much the same as 'those days", people look different, styles change, butall in all, things stay the same. None of you are old enough to be jaded about anything. Being jaded is giving up on something.


Legal walls have always been that way, they are not an open invitation for anybody. They are run selectively, so that they look good at the end of the day.


Go out and paint graffiti, stop wasting your time talking about painting graffiti on here. Lets see photos.


Go fucking paint.


Go fucking paint.


GO out and paint. Go DO graffiti. Thats what its all about, nothing more. None of my style influences were remembered for how much they talked about graffiti.


Respect to all those people in Maine not on here wasting their time talking and actually writing.


The first line of this.......NOT TRUE !!! Trust me.

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Re: Maine Funk


I assume this is directed towards me^^^if so... I ask hatemonger?... Or grumpy and relatively old man who can see the undeniable changes in graffiti. Call my telephone if you are worth your weight in piss as far as graffiti is concerned. Then I can talk to you and kill the anonymity without drysnitching all over my egotistical pants. Legal Walls and this anonymous criticizing or praising of graffiti online are 2 out of a FUCKIN SHITLOAD of differences between " THOSE" days and "THESE" days. SON

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Re: Maine Funk


we need a writers bench or some shit.


i feel like thatd cut down on the internet bullshit and make a more cohesive scene. i understand older heads want to see who takes their career in their own hands and pick out the best kids to bring into the fold, but theres alot of shitty kids out there, i think that one of the main reasons is because they dont have direction from dudes who know whats up. having places like Cream and OhNo was sick because that made these hubs for graffiti. i remember going and just chilling on the couch at cream with my blackbook and having people come through like "aw you're that kid? cool man."


i remember too that someone wanted to do like a graff class and i thought that wouldve gotten kids in the right frame of mind with piecing and basic knowledge and etiquette and all that. i mean, even a blackbook session at somewhere like a coffee shop on exchange street would be dope. i dunno, just throwing shit out there

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Re: Maine Funk


It works both ways....inspiration. I enjoyed talking with you at Cream^^^...and was stoked to meet you. I had a great talk with a friend earlier today about the state of things here today and it felt like a huge relief after. A blackbook session REALLY should happen.... and all who write should be welcome to attend. We don't have to talk strategies or days of yesteryear. Just pass our blackbooks around and shoot the shit. Laugh a little...maybe even look one another in the eye when we talk. Thats called being human. I would also like to retort a previuos statement I made earlier about young dudes doing freelance work and that being wak. I was wrong because some of you deserve to get your dollars and have no doubt worked hard to get there. I'd rather see some one I know who "does graffiti" get the job than some one who doesn't. Y"all know who you are....get your shine on, get that bread. Graffiti is becoming gentrified much like the world around us. It don't matter if you personally, are hard as Skrew or soft like Buff Monster. It's gonna happen anyway. You can't save it. You can only collect pictures and bits of information and experiences along the way and save the ones that are important to you personally. What us old writers say is coming from a good place and has the best intentions....always. Or it wouldn't be said at all...then YOU can learn the HARD way and try and preach to the new new new batch of writers who are all up in YOUR crawlspace teaching you about how things are and were and calling you a hater. If we don't at least meet up and try to build together than we are all doomed to sit behind our keyboards and fight one another with our internet alter-egos. I'd rather bomb the system with my street alter-ego and use my energy in a more constructive way.... but alas I tire from this lifestyle with good reason. I have heart still to this day( I always knew I'd never stop ) and this shit keeps me young. Have fun don't take it too serious... unless you are running from the blue gelatin!!!LOL. You young dudes are me a long time ago... Stay strong Warriors... Coney Island is only a few decades away. Wow! That fuckin took forever for me to type!!!! I feel much better now !!! So if you are a picture lover and think this forum shit should just be pics and no talk...get to a page scroll down until you see a pic... look at it ...and move on... save the contradictory comments for another thread....this one's ours...and everyone is free to talk if it means there is more of an understanding within our community of vandals in this very cold very small place that WE call home....

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Re: Maine Funk


Shows like the ones that went down in Cream or Space were exactly what there needs to be more of. You get to meet the person behind the name and (usually) they're real humble and down to earth. It would be good for younger cats to get introduced to the knowledgable ones, thats how traditions continue....I was in Port the other week, kinda disappointing to not see anything really in the streets other than some chicken scratch and some hands and throws from a couple people (they know who they are). Its sad when you don't see ESKO pieces, Main, Vane, or Ferby or whatever the hell the name is now...on roofs or in heated spots, and only on legal walls (majority of the time)...I can however walk down a block and see an esko hand or a vane hand, however, years later I still see just as many Jurne hands or Turdl hands or Learn or Rich hands, when they're the older heads...The cats nowadays, including myself, don't put enough work in, Period....It's a joke and disgusting to see people who can just bite letters (no shots fired) or complete styles, and do things 5 times faster than it took the older heads to learn on their own...It's all a popularity contest and not who puts work in, given I'd rather see a nice placed fill than 20 ugly hands everywhere, but bombing once every few months is not putting in work! And It shouldn't matter if you're from some other place, so that gives you an exception to the amount of work or the type of work you do....Putting in work, is putting in work...No one earns their stripes these days, they're given to them...Maine's birthed some monsters in graffiti, they all know who they are, but to be honest, give it 10 years and I highly doubt that most of the cats painting in the city now, names will still be relevant...Maybe more shows like the ones in Cream and Space could really help the city...Apologies for such the long rant..My two cents.

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Re: Maine Funk


ive been reading this for a while keeping up with shit thats been happening in portland and have kept it to myself. the problem is its too easy now. you get kids that write for a year and just cruise down too the legal wall kiss ass and get in with the older dudes. fuck that shit. there is no way kids like vane and koi (not hatin on em) should be on the asylum. They got talent but the asylum is for dudes like thot, subone, rich, and untold and should be a well earned, much deserved privilege to paint. it should be you put in your time, you piece, you bomb, you book until you have real talent and your work speaks enough for itself that the older cats seek you out and find you. instead of trying so fucking hard to get a legal wall, why dont you go hit the yard, hit a roof, bomb the shit out of the city, let your shit speak for itself instead of the people you chill with speak for you. and fucking stop sucking dick to get on the good side of older dudes. when and if your good enough they will hit you up to paint with them

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Re: Maine Funk


sorry for any reposts...










we should all talk and build in person... its much better, and as fucking corny as it is, we're all grouped into the same category, dodging the same thing, and all trying to accomplish the same goals regardless of personal preferences and individual motives...

whatever the case, got flicks, post em, please...


or the dog fuckin gets it...

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