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Wherebouts in Ripley is this spot? cos im just down the road from there! also sire read ya pm's mate!


its near sainsburys in ripley, couple of minutes from the market centre, plenty of space too.


pictures from duffield













I didnt think may writers would know duffield tracks but its had some outta derby visiters




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Originally posted by deze@Sep 11 2005, 12:51 PM


Well its been 14 years since i painted so here it is. My hand and arm feels like its had a good workout and my index finger has gone stiff "nozzzle finger" not quite used to this new paint but im sure ill get used to it soon... enjoy DEZE basketball courts Derby (today) what a vibe to get painting again!!! :love2:

thats sik m8 do some more :chicken:

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ok men! they didnt show hardly any vid of the interview but all in all i think it came out ok. i c a few other peeps got a lookin in too... they wouldnt let me have the tune on the box tell brian deze i did ask and it was que to go as well i manage to get cronxxx up an your piece as you seen and mist crowe got a look in as well..( NO NEWS ON THE LEGAL WALLS AS YET BUT I DO BELIEVE THEY ARE LOOKIN IN TO IT I WILL SEND EM ANOTHER EMAIL) there is still a little space for some one to paint at the courts if they wanna claim it. im tryin to sort some thing in chad for the 28 and 29 of this month i think the press are gonna be there as well. i dont think i will be there as im back at uni monday we c tho if i get the job i will be throwin it to some one who wants it...im still waitin a phone call on this tho.(ash the bash i dont know who your are but i hope that answers ya qs)oh yeah and cheers lestalad. peace yall!

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Originally posted by sire@Sep 23 2005, 09:27 AM

ok men! they didnt show hardly any vid of the interview but all in all i think it came out ok. i c a few other peeps got a lookin in too... they wouldnt let me have the tune on the box tell brian deze i did ask and it was que to go as well i manage to get cronxxx up an your piece as you seen and mist crowe got a look in as well..( NO NEWS ON THE LEGAL WALLS AS YET BUT I DO BELIEVE THEY ARE LOOKIN IN TO IT I WILL SEND EM ANOTHER EMAIL) there is still a little space for some one to paint at the courts if they wanna claim it. im tryin to sort some thing in chad for the 28 and 29 of this month i think the press are gonna be there as well. i dont think i will be there as im back at uni monday we c tho if i get the job i will be throwin it to some one who wants it...im still waitin a phone call on this tho.(ash the bash i dont know who your are but i hope that answers ya qs)oh yeah and cheers lestalad. peace yall!

if i can get some paint any time soon ill have that spot in the courghts

safe sire

ohh yer nice to see xper up in spondon


ash bash hmmmm :five-o: maby

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Looks like i might have to sneak back into Deaby,through the Uttoxeter Old Rd,and slap some pretty colours for thr first time in 5 years...Mail us sire if you have another CKS picnic,i will bring my thermos,and Mobs can bake some biscuits[/color]

Originally posted by sire@Sep 23 2005, 09:27 AM

ok men! they didnt show hardly any vid of the interview but all in all i think it came out ok. i c a few other peeps got a lookin in too... they wouldnt let me have the tune on the box tell brian deze i did ask and it was que to go as well i manage to get cronxxx up an your piece as you seen and mist crowe got a look in as well..( NO NEWS ON THE LEGAL WALLS AS YET BUT I DO BELIEVE THEY ARE LOOKIN IN TO IT I WILL SEND EM ANOTHER EMAIL) there is still a little space for some one to paint at the courts if they wanna claim it. im tryin to sort some thing in chad for the 28 and 29 of this month i think the press are gonna be there as well. i dont think i will be there as im back at uni monday we c tho if i get the job i will be throwin it to some one who wants it...im still waitin a phone call on this tho.(ash the bash i dont know who your are but i hope that answers ya qs)oh yeah and cheers lestalad. peace yall!

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(FOR HEAZ AND ASH THIS IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION) when i was 15 i chose a name for my self infact i chose many,but you know when you have got the right one because it sticks. from around 86 til about 89 sire was every where just like like my other fello conrads. due to certain things sire had to die then came the birth of a new set of names which changed periodically.what you have to remeber is when i saw i tag i liked, i wanted to aspire too that level of that tag and cash from london was my biggest inspiration who painted derby 86 and 88 with a guy called law. then people like goldie came to derby, bombin had just been broadcasted on the bbc 3d of bristol and the chrome angelz this is what i was seein. i wasnt seein tags no more, not in the same light anyway.this is what i wanted to aspire to now. so carryin a criminal record and wantin to do better i stopped taggin and wrote dee from then on, til last year. Things are changing now for me. i teach graff with the council im gettin well paid commissions and lots of other things im at uni and i want to do what i can to help you guys get spots to paint, so that you have got more chance progress. im tryin to promote the good side i can't do that hipacritically infront of authority.. anyway! ALTHOUGH dee is me bein the first letter of my name the real me is "sire" and it is safe now for him to be ressurected, brought back, now i feel complete and i feel that this is why things are happenin because i am bein true to my self..( MANS IS PROBABLY GONNA DIS ME FOR WRITIN THIS AND NOT BEIN A BOMBER.. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST DONT GIVE A F...)I will continue my struggle.. peace yall. one!

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