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Originally posted by PurpleNerple@Dec 23 2005, 10:40 PM



brazilian hands are dope..like Philly hands on Acid...











brazilian hands are dope..like Philly hands on Acid...


NONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!! Dawg I apreciate your love for graff and thirst for knowledge about other cities and all but pleeeeaaaassssseeee!!!!!!!!!!! Don't eveeeeerrrrrrr refer to this CACA and Philly hands in the same sentance again! :yuck:

For you to do that is making a mockery of my cities history of handstyles.

That shit looks exactly like every toy that comes to Philly and thinks they can just stretch some RETARDED letters tall and that it's ok. That shit is NOT ok. It looks like Neckfaces retarded little brother did those god- awfull "tags" for crying out loud!!! :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:

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ok they're distinguishably seperate..brazil style is nuts..very original..

brazillian spraypaint is shit..rollers..the style developed as a result of the place..

go and find out..bad examples above..but the SP style is still young and fresh..

philly style is straight classic..but take some acid..don't take shit so serious..it's very far away..




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just another philly person respectfully disagreeing...but i think brazilian tags actually are a lot like philly tall hands, almost to an uncanny extent.


like this one:




RITIMOS, and then RTMS for short on the hangover...just like a philly abbreviation like DSR for DASAR or RKN for RAKAN


then you got that smiley face with an arrow and crew letters


then you got a punchline


and the structural elements of how the tags are done, how each letter has to be parallel to the next, spacing the letters out, its so similar to philly its uncanny in my opinion


or like the M in that photo, reminds me of how wicket/wicked letters are consturcted..the rules of disguising the letter as much as possible but not "cheating" on maintaining the core letterform (not unlike good wildstyle piecing...but philly wickets are really one of the few conceptually "wildstyle" handstyles)...so its crazy to me to see the same tall, stretched out hands that are made to be kind of wild and cryptic in a similar fashion.



sometimes i see so many parallels in the handstyle traditions that i swear there has to be some sort of nexus between them, but from all that ive read/heard about i dont know of one. shit, that os gemeos hand practically looks like a philly hand.


so yeah i gotta disagree on that point, i think that shit is very dope and very philly-esque. they arent the same as people who come to philly and try horribly to attempt philly hands, this shit is their own creation and somehow they arrived at a very similar concept of dopeness as 215 people...so i cant be mad at that

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you know hwat sucks. the internet killed handstyles for most of the united states. like miami, had so much style in our hands only a few people really do it up how its supposed to be done. kinda how cheerleader described the technique about maintaining the core letterform but still ading style to it.

shit makes me sad. i love tagging

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Originally posted by SF1+Jan 6 2006, 10:57 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (SF1 - Jan 6 2006, 10:57 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-PurpleNerple@Dec 23 2005, 10:40 PM



brazilian hands are dope..like Philly hands on Acid...











brazilian hands are dope..like Philly hands on Acid...


NONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!! Dawg I apreciate your love for graff and thirst for knowledge about other cities and all but pleeeeaaaassssseeee!!!!!!!!!!! Don't eveeeeerrrrrrr refer to this CACA and Philly hands in the same sentance again! :yuck:

For you to do that is making a mockery of my cities history of handstyles.

That shit looks exactly like every toy that comes to Philly and thinks they can just stretch some RETARDED letters tall and that it's ok. That shit is NOT ok. It looks like Neckfaces retarded little brother did those god- awfull "tags" for crying out loud!!! :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:





I respect your love for your city of brotherly love....but I said Philly hands on acid.


Clearly the only thing they have in common is the length...they are dramatically different. They got the philly lenght and some Mexicali flavor...but they are different as hell...


Have you ever taken acid before?

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Cheerleeder are you on acid too??? :haha: Remember when Vatoe tried doing tallhands? This shit looks exactly the same if not worse.I don't get it. You know this is garbage yet you're sticking up for it just because it's "origional" Well shit then I might as well go back to writing like I did when I busted out as a toy and claim to be origional too :haha: Something tells me that whoever "started" this style in Brazill might have been trying what he saw in Philly, but like I said... stretching retarded letters tall does not make a Philly hand. If anything it makes a mockery of it.


I stick by my words on this one...

Originally posted by SF1@Jan 7 2006, 03:57 AM

It looks like Neckfaces retarded little brother did those god-awfull "tags" for crying out loud!!! :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:


Do you even realize that by you guys hyping this shit on here, now a whole new crop of toys might duplicate this shit in every city thinking "yeah i heard it's dope so it must be"? Especially since it's alot quicker and easier than actually learning how to write with style. There is absolutely nothing dope about those godawfull ugly tags that anybody could do without ever even practicing. :rolleyes:

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As for techniques, here in São Paulo things are different. We decided to use different materials (for example, latex) not only because it is more economical, but because it's more available, it covers so well, and because it supports what we find in the streets. We always use latex for backgrounds and then outline in spray. Yellow latex and red spraypaint are used just for bombing. For the big panels, we use only spray paint. We think that latex goes with our culture.


Perhaps because we had no information about graffiti in the beginning, it helped us a lot. We never watched anyone else painting. The only things that we had were some flicks and a piece of film that showed us graffiti. So we tried to discover how these things were done. We think we ended up discovering other things as a result. Here things are very relative, you may paint in the daytime or at night, it depends on the objective and the results you are trying to achieve.


OG: São Paulo has always had different graffiti styles. Beginning in the 1980s, writers went to the streets to paint with rollers, latex paint pigment, and spray paint. Some people did giant stamps covering the asphalt in the street, for example the group Tupinaoda, who drew labyrinths made with rollers and latex. There was stencil art too, spray can art, and Paulistas' tags, called "pichação," done with rollers and paint and spray.


Pichação is a straight-letter style of writing that goes with the urban architecture of São Paulo. It is different than the handstyle in Rio de Janeiro, where they write with curves, bending the lines.


In São Paulo the pichação began in parallel with hip hop culture and other graffiti definitions that were beginning. So São Paulo tags were influenced in the beginning by logos and letters from heavy metal record covers. Like a fever, the transformation and innovation of these letters took hold, and today we have our own calligraphy.


We believe that there is simply a need to occupy space in the urban environment. With his name, a boy creates a new style of writing characteristics, using foam rollers and latex to write on buildings. It is more popular in São Paulo to use latex to bomb, to use pichação and throw-ups with latex paint, and to do outlines with both short rollers and spray. São Paulo has all these degrees of artistic manifestation.


From an Interview with Os.

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Ship's Log by O.G.



I hoist the sails of my boat and let myself be drifted away to wherever my heart takes me. The sea is dark, calm and silent. I smoke tobacco in my old pipe. The night is cold, there is no one in the deck; the compass seems to be moving aimlessly, just like the smoke that comes out of my pipe, lighted by the full moon which has the huge sea as its mirror, apparently sleeping. My eyes look far away, aimlessly. I listen to the sound of the waves crashing against the prow, the stars run in the sky like kids playing ... My heart calms down in peace, recalling farewells and memories. I come abreast of my boat of dreams, happy to know that there will be new encounters. The smoke from my pipe wanders through the past and foresees the future ... It's really magical ... Everything breathes ... Everything lives without searching for a meaning ... Light becomes home to nature. The magic flourishes and technology is now part of a distant past ... This is the eternal conquest, sailing dark waters in search of light ... Searching for dreams. Dreaming. Dreaming and making others dream ... Close your eyes, you have just entered the world of dreams and imagination, you can visit the past or the future, you can fly. Walk under the water, travel long distances at the speed of thought. Walk In a sunny afternoon, in a field covered with white daisies ... Full of life ...Fated to one more starry night ... You can think of good or bad things. You have the freedom to do so, you are in command of your thoughts and of the energy of your body. You have the choice to take the bad thoughts into the world of dreams and imagination and make them into good and when you open your eyes, even if the world remains unchanged, you can take with you not just a daisy, but a whole field of them and give them to other people ... Even if those people do not believe in a world of dreams and imagination ... It will live forever in the house of light and within those people that one day wished to believe in the great magic of being alive ...


Sometimes you may be in several places! ... Places where there is no light, like the night. But the day will come into being and bring shadow ... Somewhere ... Even if it is far, too far away, where the sheltered clouds drift searching for shapes ... Rootless and homeless ... Just like wandering thoughts, making a story come true ... A story that for many may not yet be clear; it's just bodies wandering with no thoughts. The houses are empty here ... I am not alone ... The trip is good and aimless ... I enjoy it ... I need nothing more. The coffee and cream is hot ... Hei!. Wait! I need some fresh toasts ... And do not forget to lower the sails ... The wind needs some rest ...

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Originally posted by manoDB+Jan 6 2006, 10:35 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (manoDB - Jan 6 2006, 10:35 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-EUROne@Dec 26 2005, 10:16 PM



Where is this pic from at, all yall philly heads, you catch that aster marker slam on that truck!?!



It's in a chill spot in FRISCO.



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