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Don't Call it Frisco


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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=4716429'>NASTY NIX</a>

Date: Sep 8, 2006 10:25 AM


To repost this press reply to sender then copy to get the codes for newspaper article and the news clip


as u know i am a supporter of urban graffiti and recently some of u may not know but there was a graffiti event that went on in san antonio "clogged caps 5" this is a annual event were many graffitti artist that are very talented all come together for only a short period of time to express their art, well since this years event two older women are trying to cover the multiple murals, because they say even thow they know graffiti is not gang related graffiti it is to similar, read the newspaper article and send them ur opionin


<a href="

bullshit news clip from WOAI</a>




The following story was in the newspaper yesterday too...


<a href="http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/neighbors/southeast/stories/MYSA090606.01H.SS06_Nolan_Bridge.19b25b4.html">Express News article featuring the same 2 hags from the news!</a>


After finishing reading, consider this:


-This neighborhood that is all pissed off about these murals has had access to these same walls for over 30 years, yet they HAVE NEVER ORGANIZED ANY SORT OF MURAL PROJECTS & DIDN'T SEEM TO WANT TO UNTIL NOW, THAT SOMEONE ELSE TOOK THE RISK & MADE IT HAPPEN!


This is petty at best.


They're trying to act like their pre-existing graffiti problem wasn't there & that Clogged Caps is the reason that their neighborhood is covered in actual gang graffiti (dont believe me, go to the Ella Austin center & look at the sign in front, to see many true examples of actual gang graffiti.) Basically, Clogged Caps is their scapegoat...and it covered up one of the worst tagged areas in SA, which has not been tagged once, since the murals were painted up...also, no once under 40 was interviewed or in attendance at the neighborhood meeting or for the news story...and the same 2 ladies that are in the newspaper article are on the news & they were also at the event the morning of, storming around, planning their crusade.


I truly hope that some people in the community write in & support our efforts, as they are in essence wanting to paint over THE LARGEST MURAL IN THE SOUTH!!!



To write in support of the murals, please address your letters to the following address & people:


Email: district2@sanantonio.gov

attn: Council Member Sheila McNeil


City Hall Office


Phone: 210-207-7278

Fax: 210-207-4496


Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:45 am - 4:30 pm


Post Office Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 839966

San Antonio, Texas 78283-3966



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