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Don't Call it Frisco


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SB has done way more damage than korea by far he used to have sf on lock but wnet the gangster route which by far is a better route sickboy r10 dude kinged sj to sf taught BUKET how to bomb .


damn, fools come up on here under multiple screen names, uppin themselves in third person, and rearranging the argument from the "beef" they've created for themselves into a discussion about "the good ol' frisco days".

that's pretty funny.


and that old name change tactic aint too clever either. you tryin to give your bad rep a makeover? haha. you suck, you bite, and you try to beef with the people you bite, cuz you assume any type of interaction with the ones you've looked up to is better than no interaction or attention at all. or maybe you assume that beefing is a gateway opportunity into an established coolship of some sort.....

like your other homies. haha,

like some little kids.



now you know i know.

what now?

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damn, fools come up on here under multiple screen names, uppin themselves in third person, and rearranging the argument from the "beef" they've created for themselves into a discussion about "the good ol' frisco days".

that's pretty funny.


and that old name change tactic aint too clever either. you tryin to give your bad rep a makeover? haha. you suck, you bite, and you try to beef with the people you bite, cuz you assume any type of interaction with the ones you've looked up to is better than no interaction or attention at all. or maybe you assume that beefing is a gateway opportunity into an established coolship of some sort.....

like your other homies. haha,

like some little kids.



now you know i know.

what now?


i want to punch you in the face just for quoting my boy and talking like a chump. you talk shit about screen names, yet you hide behind one. house niggah--state your true name and come forward ifyoure bout your shit...then ill still slap the shit out of you for being a mark.

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i want to punch you in the face just for quoting my boy and talking like a chump. you talk shit about screen names, yet you hide behind one. house niggah--state your true name and come forward ifyoure bout your shit...then ill still slap the shit out of you for being a mark.


little girls... think they're hardcore...

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


do you even know what your talking about ? or has the coke gone straight to your dome? any of my boys that come on here...including the one(s) that you quoted hide behind no screen names and would gladly handle shit with you or any mark ass sucker in real life"on the real, dog". guaranteed.

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u guys was to pussy to be from a hood so u took up tag bangin and you aint even good at that the tuff guy shit gets old especially when your not that tuff you guys need to get off this site and get some spots cuz im not seeing you up only chiken scratch tags in our fillins .im dying if im lieing

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