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Don't Call it Frisco


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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


no , ethugs are people who act differently online than they do in real life. I would do everything I talk about on here in real life. those who know me know it's the truth. and if you don't think so, please test me, I will gladly re-prove myself in the name of violent recreation.



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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


hey im from jersey and was reently in frisco on a skate trip.....anyway was riding on the bat n noticed a lot of clean walls along that shit why hvnt ppl hit that line there ae some pim spots

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hey im from jersey and was reently in frisco on a skate trip.....anyway was riding on the bat n noticed a lot of clean walls along that shit why hvnt ppl hit that line there ae some pim spots


ment the bart lines didnt see much grafff on there n the walls look like prime spots to hit

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


asis.. bart, despite them experiencing "budget deficits" or whatever, still tends to have a lot of money to investigate and look into writers that hit their property. If you live out in the bay area, just about any established writer will tell you that bart is super hot to crush... trust me, if what I'm sayin now was bullshit, even in the least, bart would be CRUSHED. Out here in the Bay, like many places, we're down as fuck for rocking the dopest, hottest spots we see, including Bart.. but because Bart has and will continue to spend top dollar to hunt down any writers that bomb their system, it's a well know fact that unless you want dumbass heat on you, it's best not to fuck with Bart. Only some have done it big and rocked burners on a bart train or even rocked a whole car production..




^^spaceballed and that's one of the only flicks I've been able to find.. I know there's another oldass flick, maybe on artcrimes of a wholecar production from probably the mid 90's.. I think it was Vogue and Spie but I forget exactly..

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


asis was wondering about BART tunnel walls and shit. There was a nice piece runnin' last autumn, can't remember who, between McAurther and 19thst stops oakland. also at that spot, two Hinf hollows were running for a while, probably still there

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


Bump sickboy staying hacked out - im not a fan of suckers


its nice seein hella cats hackin that toy and i hope it stays that way forever


i dont really give a shit about toys just cause they get up.. gettin up and gettin up alot is dope, no doubt... i just cant help but admire those who do that with at least a tiny bit of decent style. sickboy, sike, etc... they dont got it.. not in the least. just cause sickboy can climb up and hate on shit way up high that someone with some style did, doesnt mean he or anything he does is dope... dont get it twisted all you young wannabe haterass toys comin on here now seein sb doin this shit and thinkin thats how you get fame and respect, cause it aint.. dont be a bitch


to all the real writers gettin dissed by that toy, stay up, ur the shit, keep rockin that flavor we all enjoy seeing!


sike.. eat a dick

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no , ethugs are people who act differently online than they do in real life. I would do everything I talk about on here in real life. those who know me know it's the truth. and if you don't think so, please test me, I will gladly re-prove myself in the name of violent recreation.




ill take this test


can you bring me a number two pencil




on the real


those that know


always stay at arms length


in the long run, fuck gusto

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