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hmm are we serious. the kids shit! look at the shit he rocks at days spots, its fukn horrid!

dont mistake being toy for originality!


biek burns him to the ground! handstyles pieces everything! popularity is fuck all!


You're hating on the DIGEST tag because it's him and it's in a mashed up artline 100 (by the look of it). If it was done with the latest krink mop and said HORFE you would be shitting your pants about it.


It's a fucking fresh tag, end of story.


As for the BIEK argument, I couldn't give a shit. All his graffiti, as you said his "handstyles, pieces everything" all just look the same as everybody else rocking the latest graffiti trends. Don't see any connections in his cool ironlak fat cap flare tag, why? Because it's 4 different "hot right now" letter styles thrown together. I'm not gunna hate the kid, I don't care. The kids clean, active and seems to have colours sorted. It's just a shame he doesn't take the time to put some effort in and "personalise" his graffiti rather than stroll through international blogs looking for the latest sneakers and the latest supreme hat to match the latest graffiti trend.



/end rant



PS. I heard BLOK OSN got drunk on Christmas Eve and did some tags... any flicks? I got birdies everywhere but birdies don't have cameras.

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the euro/brazilian style Biek indulges in is "hot right now" (and is admittedly a good style) but to truly be innovative one should consider even the dynamics of Perth City itself when shaping/styling ones tag. i.e. drawing from those other styles, but personalising them to suit the city as well as the writer.

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the euro/brazilian style Biek indulges in is "hot right now" (and is admittedly a good style) but to truly be innovative one should consider even the dynamics of Perth City itself when shaping/styling ones tag. i.e. drawing from those other styles, but personalising them to suit the city as well as the writer.




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listen to what pioneer graffers from around the world have to say on the matter, then perhaps you'll understand what I mean. Why do you think brazilian/rio graff has such tall, elongated letters? due to the structure & style of the city.


eels stick to posting pics (even though in the last month half of them have been reposts). Go find some scraggly tags and try up your cred some more :) fucking poser

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the euro/brazilian style Biek indulges in is "hot right now" (and is admittedly a good style) but to truly be innovative one should consider even the dynamics of Perth City itself when shaping/styling ones tag. i.e. drawing from those other styles, but personalising them to suit the city as well as the writer.



how about just not biting and being original?


fark every year it just gets worse and worse, and people see no shame in it...

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Your not intelligent

Your not a artist

Your not a critic

Your not misunderstood

Your not staunch

Your not going to ever make a difference...


You just have access to the Internet...








get it right:lol:

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