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here you go calling that dude name a sexuall predator when you coldnt stop talking about how you hope thart little girl gets raped and dont worry little girl you'll get fucked into a crew soon enough....

i hope name goes to bus town climbs down in a tunnel or hikes his ass back in the woods to one of your spots and takes it out lol

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Anyone who thinks that ohio has more pieces than nyc ..... has obviously never been to nyc

ide rather see a sick toss on the street than a piece under a bridge anyways

really im pretty sure each borrow had more pieces than ohio added up

like i said im not tryign to be a dick but if you"re trying to make an assumption on nyc from the internet you may be misinformed


people travel from all over the world and drop pieces in nyc its overwhelming to see it all in person

itss a kopp out to try and say all there is in nyc is toss ups. cause its hardly the case


i been to nyc quite a few times, and all those pieces you speak off are on legals, name one writer that does bruners on hot spots, and noooo not track sides.


like i said, name one new writer out of nyc that is droppin heaters, other then smart crew.


anyways, bump misery

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alskdjfwo aljsflkjwae;oiijlf lkjad lkjd lkjdafdl;kjasdf lkjdsaflkj lkjdsafkljdsadf kjadflk kljasdfkljasdf kljsdadfkjsadf kjeoiutlktntntntntn thtlkjasdlkfkjal;ja akljdf;alkkjdsaf;lkjasdfl;kjn hdkldn bdhdj bdjshfj bfujdj bfjdhfjdh bfh bfhf bab a hj kdjfkd hfkdjf kejfidjakdh hdkfjd


jdkjfkdjfkjdfkjdsaa jsjuejfu ueuejfuj jfj ueialsp



(ohio thread)

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you're the one writing someone elses name not me .....the only person should be mad on this forum is nems nyc lets see c bus vs. nyc no competion cbus isnt as big as any one of the 5 borrows stop making ohio look like some corn field overallwearing tabbaacccy chewing inbread fucks


You totally are confused, your confusing the Southerners (REBELS) with fellow Northerners (YANKEES). The overallwearing tabbaacccy chewing inbread fucks are the Southerners, obviously you have never been to a Scribble Jam. Nems is pre internet graffiti and more old school then your mama, long live the industrial revolution!

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Stop talking about ny the meccah of graffiti

Stop talking about ohio columbus in particular

Stop posting in graffiti forums since you havent painted graffiti since 2007 when you were in high school.....fuckoutta here you were in high school in 2007


Nems ny dont know you...

The real Name is from Chicago

your toy


Sorry for the disruption

Now you can continue to talk to yourself in 3rd person

Post flicks

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it doesnt have to be some new piecers doing shit there are still in nyc cause old heads still do their thing ... you heard of stem spot ... or any other random writers there i saw sever vicious hour d sex screw the list goes on lions... track side in nyc is kind of different from most of ohio cause they have this thing called the subway ..... i saw espo box trucks im done though no snse in trying to convince people or get them hip yall should just listen to cbus nems cause he's gonna stear you in the right direction just look at his amazing career dudes life revolves around being on 12 oz not the street .

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