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digital camera help


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I would really like to buy myself a digital camera for Christmas. Except I know next to nothing about digital cameras/ photography in general. I tried asking a guy at best buy, and he wasn't very helpful. The main ideas I gathered is prices really range depending on the pixel size.. or something to the effect? Anyone want to arm me some basic knowledge before I try with another cruel sales rep? I'd like to throw down around 300-400. But what makes that price range better than 150-200? Is it worth it? Come on be nice, help a young technology challenged sister out.

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Guest imported_b0b

When buying anything you want to work out what you are going to use it for, same goes for this digi-cam.


So work out these things:


Will you need a zoom?

Will you need a good flash?

Will you want to store lots of flicks on the memory card at a time or will you download them frequently?

Will you want real prints of the flicks or are they just for viewing on your pc?

Does the size of the camera matter? Will it have to be pocket sized or is larger ok?


Once you work out what you need from it you find a camera that meets that criteria.


Megapixels are almost irrelevent, as you can get a decent 6x4 print (photo sized) from a 2mp cam, big number is just something sellers & makers try and tempt you with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok rather than make a whole new thread i thought id just ask my question in here.


anyways do you think its better to by a new release digital camera that is at the lower to mid price range or buy a camera that is last years model but a high end camera for the same price. the reason is im looking at the nikon coolpix 4500 which is in effect 2 years old but is at a price now similar to the mid range 4mp cameras. im thinking that 4mp is ample but im sure the nikon would have a superior lens to lower end cams.

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im buying a digital camera for christmas after looking at the rest im gonna go with this one from sony http://www.steves-digicams.com/2004_reviews/p100.html its $300 + i have to buy a memory card the zoom isnt too powerful but its fine for taking pictures of people and close range objects. usually the smaller cameras dont have as powerful a zoom as the bigger cameras. check it out

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i also found that after the about 300 bump in price, as i was lookin into camera, the features dont seem to go up as much just one mega pixel or two


for example, the one i ordred was 221 4.0mp

the same camera with 5.0 was something like 321

the other models that i looked at that are someting like 400 or 500 had large zooms but were then bumped back down to 3.2 or 4.0 megapixels, i found this to be the best buy for the money.

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