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Originally posted by lord_casek@Feb 9 2006, 11:13 PM

hey mainter: i need a program to tell me what the largest things on my hd are.


any suggestions for freeware?



i've seen them, just can't recall the names


nevermind. ms makes one http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techi...ng/diruse-o.asp



hey if you do not know how to use it this is how in a command prompt, run:


cd "\Program Files\Resource Kit"

diruse /s \ | sort


this will take a little while to run, and then all of a sudden a list of things will come flying by the screen. When it finally stops, the end of the list will show you the directories that are taking up the most space.

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Guest Sparoism

I just noticed something-


cd "\Program Files\Resource Kit"

diruse /s \ | sort


Wait a minute....Microsoft uses pipe commands? So they still "borrow" from UNIX....strange. Does it behave like a real pipe command, though?


Oh, that's right- they "developed" Xenix...they probably kept some of the commands from that here and there.


Interesting, nonetheless.

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