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HAH! Oh, I get it now. Right on, my bad. Total dipshit move.


Sadat was more late 90s. It seems Tulsa had quite a lot of graffiti going on in the early to mid 90s. The Destructo Bros. were around the late 80s. We had a lot of old ATT heads coming down to OKC in the early 90s for raves and spreading a lot of graff knowledge. Shit even Joker BA lived here for a minute, hence the few Joker pieces that have surfaced in OK. There was also the penn ditch in the mid 80s in OKC, which when I was growing up, was filled with graffiti. I remember a huge misfit skull circa 86, covering the whole side of the skate ditch.


As far as the first well-rounded crew to take on bombing, trains, walls ... I'd have to say the kids in nsk/bc/gpk/abc were killing it. Quality spots and pieces. Sasquatch, Dert, Seazoe, Yuk, Obey. And CHAT was the shit.


I miss them days.

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Another thing that's rad is to know the migration of graffiti knowledge into Oklahoma. Basically came from Trixter down from Chicago to KC, KC to Oklahoma. Gone are the days where you learned how to "write" from your peers. Nowadays the "interwebs" teach you how to do graff ... which is usually all wrong.

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yeah SSK was Tulsa ... I was put in UZI in 2002, GPK was started here, and I loved trippin Portland kids out with that ... they would all swear up and down it wasn't. Like Oklahoma could EVER produce any quality graffiti heads. And man ... I remember when that DETR billboard was done. I about shit my pants and wrecked on the highway. Shortly after I lived where DETR was from and learned about that trip and who "Ming" was. HOD. nuff said.


Also CODAK, he was an anchor too ... can't forget how influential Sker's crew NDK was on the entire scene here in OK.

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Destructo Brothers Inc. DBI was active in Tulsa mid-to-late-80s. That was MR and Capt. Chaos, and when I started writing in 1987, they still had old pieces running. Me and HEK started Evil Boy Vandals (b-k-a- The Evil Boys) in 1987 in Tulsa, painting in the skate ditches and downtown alleys. I wrote X-HEAD then, and HEK wrote KAZE. We both still have photos of our graff from 1987 onwards, and I have some flicks of DBI work. When me and HEk started, there was zero active graffiti in the city of Tulsa. We did not learn from our peers. There WERE no peers then. We were influenced by rap (the early tape covers and movie logos), fantasy art (Frazetta and Bakshi and Bode), comic books (which we were very into) and the punk rock attitude of "we like to vandalize." We ran the Evil Boys and kept that going until 1992. In 1992, US Against Them UAT was formed by CODAK, HEK and myself. UAT grew, and grew, and became quite famous in the midwest. I threw underground parties (first in Tulsa, then in OKC) under the UAT name, and through that, the style and fame spread. HEK and CODAK lived in Kansas City, and made connects with ATT. ATT heads like GEAR, EAST, KRIE and SCRIBE used to drive all the way from KC to OKC to go to the UAT parties that I threw, and we got up together. We used to go to KC too, and connect there. UAT graff was influenced by KC style. UAT was known from Austin to St. Louis in the heyday. In 97, I formed the crew iNDeKay, or NDK. I was the founder and the president of NDK, until its demise. NDK in my humble opinion was one of the most artistically talented crews in the state of OK. NDK roll call = SKER, HEK, CODAK, RHAK, ERATIK, ZEN, and WICK. To talk about graffiti in Oklahoma, ya gotta give due props to UAT. Nobody mentioned so far on this thread was doing burners on the streets of OK in 92, or had peeps in other states knowing about them in 95. I met SADAT in Norman around 97, he was from LA I believe (his crew then was Born Lost Angels BLA). In OKC in the 2nd half of the 90's there were a bunch of great writers who hit the streets hard. OBEY, DERT, QUEST, MYST, TASE, many many more. The Penn Ditch in OKC was full of action, there were rooftops runnin, multiple train spots. and we had a killer chill yard in Norman. I never claimed to be the most-active bomber, or the most up. In my day though, believe that UAT was the most famous. We killed the streets of Tulsa and OKC. We did our fair share of illegal work. I got ten times my share of commission murals. Way before the internet. Before the grafff mags even. We learned our craft by doing the work. I'm happy to see this thread, and honestly I just discovered this thread a week ago. Props to everyone on here, for discussing OK history, and big props to everyone who's putting up photos, that is great to see. I'm old school, but I still rep UAT and I still get up regularly at the Tulsa legal wall. I just wanted to add my piece, and make sure that heads know that UAT and NDK are/were a giant part of original OK graff history. p.s. no I'm not putting photos up here, although I have a million. I'm putting a book together :) P.P.S. shouts to HEK UAT NDK, CODAK UAT NDK, DEFIANT UAT, MEEK UAT, DUCKY UAT, BIAS UAT, TORK UAT, ZEN UAT NDK, RHAK NDK, ERATIK NDK, GEAR ATT, EAST ATT, SCRIBE ATT, JOKER IHU, PRYER UTI, TASE RAL, MYST RAL, QUEST RAL, TABU OC, DESPIZE OC, REA crew, SSK crew, DFA crew, and the rest of the Okie Boys. Peace ~ SKER UAT NDK

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UAT was no joke. UAT was THE crew in Oklahoma when I was in school in the mid 90s. Their parties back in the day were legendary. Almost all the graff in Tulsa stems from people emulating what UAT did in the early to mid 90's...I can say that because I witnessed it. They influenced people, that influnced younger people, that influenced the next generation, ect. Around '97-98' the quality of work that NDK was doing was what everyone else wished they could do.

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