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Images of US soldiers killed in Iraq -- what the U.S. didn't want you to see


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I made you angry! YAY!

I wan`t saying that Canadian media is better (it is-CBC Newsworld) And I`m not about to "Kick the knowledge" But if you watch different media it is amazing to see how much the perspective changes from say BBC world news to CNN.

FOR EXAMPLE: the recent polls saying that the majoity of Americans would like to see America stay the course in Iraq was spun as being people supporting Bush (CNN-Wolf Blitzkrieg) . I personally think that everyone can agree that bombing the shit out of a place and leaving it in the middle of civil war then bouncing is a pretty deplorable idea, but it doesn`t mean that they support Dubya. All I was saying is that the media`s role is to put it all on the table like they did with Hussein`s sons or Saddam`s beard. Unfortunately there are far too mant corporate interests to do that. Now go trim that Bush!

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Originally posted by BROWNer

actually i was prodded awhile ago, and tried, but the thread flopped away

becuz nobody else had much to add, coupled with the complexity

and mass of the problem. i'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on

an exit strategy though...




Smart, i had added to the ideas a bit..


we all recognize the need for a true coalition..

best in the form of the UN, probably acceptable as NATO


without a doubt, the u.s. kickback/corruption schemes with rebuilding have got to end


there needs to be a temporary government elected/selected by iraqis, who represent the citizens of that country, not just expats that the u.s. thinks it can control..


goodbye bremer.


but none of this shit is going to happen anyway, how can one argue the hypotheticals of an exit strategy when it is so obviously a futile excercise?


at least with the opinion/editorial discussions, we may be convincing or educating those who are on the fence or uninformed.


yeah but back to the main topic..

show the atrocities..

where are the photos of dead iraqi children?

i saw so much of that in foreign press last year i was quickly convinced that the war was far too costly.


Smart ...and p.s...it's !@#$% now.. ;) low profile, thanks.

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It does seem futile but I can't seem to resign myself to do nothing. I'm just hoping the better nature of mankind will win out.


I think it may be time for another cultural revolution. Except this time instead of domestic issues it would be more focused on international issues. The trend has already begun. It's just a matter of reinforcing it.

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