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the NEW sketch thread


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this is the mindset of the up and never comen class of writer. some one already uses that name ill just put a number behind it.:o i could see doin that if you had been writen that name for a while then found someone was already writen it. but just startn out and havn that attitude is gana be nothing but bad news. and whats with all the weak ass sketches in here that you guys know need to go to the toy thread. you young guys need to pull your head outa your asses. the air is better out here. ...:D

dude i really don't give a fuck about what you say, having a name that some else has that doesnt even live in your fuckin town shouldn't even stop you from positive progression and improvement, i've been using this name for almost 3 years and i dont plan to stop using it because some dude on the internet told me too, and man i know i got a long way to go so im just gonna keep sketchin on and on until i die

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some decent shit here. but some of you need to keep it simple. your pieces will look a lot better if you leave out all this "wildstyle" extras and work on the letters. the extras will come later. just work on them letters. keep sketchn. peace.

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dont really know where to post these so ill put em here...semi new sketches

plus how do you edit posts? i didnt wanna make a new one i just wanted to add it in, but i dont see any "edit" button


nvm. thats weird, advanced posts cant be edited


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