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i broke my face when i was drunk


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so last friday my friends and i went camping like we always do...


usually we all drink and keep eachother in check


instead everyone else decided they wanted to do mushrooms, so i was left to drink the booze by myself. that was cool by me. but once i got really drunk i forgot that the whiskey bottle i was drinking out of was glass, not plastic like most things we drink out of.


well anyway, i was in such a hurry to drink more i just smashed my face in with the bottle. i fucked up one tooth pretty bad and have to go get it taken care of tomorrow.


luckily i was so drunk i didnt feel anything


your's truly, splint2>>:D

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jeeze broal,


use a cup next time.

Glass bottles and the outdoors do not mix.


We used to have this game called 'Forty Darts'

that works like lawn darts but with 40's. First person

tosses the jug then the next person has to try to break

that bottle with theres. But if you get too close to them

and didn't break their bottle, it was an easy shot for them

to hit yours on the next turn. If you smash their bottle,

they have to go to the store for the round. If you toss and

your bottle breaks without breaking theirs, you're doing the

store run. I haven't done this shit in years but it was damn fun.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

I literally broke my face quite badly while unbelievably drunk off illegaly brewed rum 3 years ago. 50+ stitches to the forehead, lost a piece of muscle and even skin sensitivity on parts of my head.


What remains now is what I call "The Beacon", which is a scar that is almost invisible while sober, but which glows a bright red when I'm A) drunk, B) sunbathing, or C) hitting on a girl. It never fails... I'd be laying the mackdown straight, then the girl would point at my head and go "OMG, what happened to you there?!?". That's when I go "Well, I was snorkeling this one time off the north coast of Puerto Rico, and this barracuda comes along..."

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