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Northwest Superthread II(without crappy flicks)


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enough with the close ups.

lisa ann.


damn you niggas are really really scary. enough with the fake user names, and jaw jacking, INTERNET PUSSIES. man the fuck up fellas.:cool: :cool: :cool: i posted the close ups cuz i wanted to post um and i will most likely do it again and again and again. theres nothing you can do about it im sorry. so those who dont like it, EAT MY DICK AND THROW UP SOME BABIES, YOU MIGHT WAKE UP TO A LOVELY SET OF TWINS.


and FORSIT, dont get scared now homie. grow some balls.

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Agreed, I'd hack him just cuz he runs his mouth.


FUCK THE GRAFFITI SHIT. wuts up then! every last one of you on here talkin head are friends GARUNTEED! I dont like your tone, your attitude, and the way you guy's carry yourselves is pathetic. dont talk about it be about it pussies. WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO FIGHT! dont reply unless you about gettin um up. if you do reply, talkin head, and you aint tryin to handle shit, then this message is aimed at you. hack my shit i can careless its part of the game pussies. i want to bust one of yalls heads though i needs to vent. were i come from graffiti writers are not little snatches like you guy's present yourselves to be, its only bout a thousand miles away. how can you guys be so much different. its little soft ass phonies like your selves that give graff writers bad names. when locked up First thing niggas say when you tell um you write, is that your soft, then you gots to bust heads just to prove yourself, and proving your self is a must in that situation. This game is for the real. all you soft ass niggas, step the fuck down clowns. JUST WAIT TILL I MEET SOME OF YOU LITTLE SHITS Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! word is some of yall already got handled recently, its time for round two.

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that thing isnt Graffiti,theres no letter structure shit super messy..quit flirting on this thread.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: messy? look at the toy ass shit all of you do! theres over a thousand pages of it. and then you create a fake user name to BUMP yourselves. show us what isnt messy or toy(that you or your little hipster friends did or have done). i can understand the illegal/legal part of ur argument. but i garuntee he will wreck you illegally.

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