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i am gonna lay it on the line for you ankle biters and everyone else-

last to fall is just a little to close to Last To Stand,especialy after fokis rolled through.i guess since you were gonna bite msk's styles you needed to bite the name of a different crew.


-rebus(head of ltf)-biting sabers style wasn't enough for you,so you turned his name around and changed one letter,added on top of the fact that you have and still only paint once in a great while(mainly at the legal wall),and have yet to try your own shit.

-aloha-first of all the child is still in daipers,and not even near ready for potty training.he has adopted the style of biting the same crew as rebus,couldn't even think enough for himself to bite another crew.weighs 100 lbs. wet. couldn't even fight his way out of a wet paper bag.and isn't old enough to buy his own beer,which he can't even handle.


-obso-the newest jack.got rapped up with you guys,and your egos,and is gonna lose more cause of it then he could imagine.he tryies harder then you kids,and is still gonna lose in the long run by being in your crew .his characters are redundant and unoriginal,but in your crew that is the norm.without you fools he could blossom.the other sad factor is that he is the only one old enough to buy you all alcohol.

[ damn i must have meet you kids,and know your spots]

-the other 2 members of your crew are, under age girls,that in the same way will lose out like obso will. rebus your girl is following in your footsteps and copying a west coast's writers name,there is a beer and a beir.her pictures on myspace look cute,but the ones of you rebus show you as the little kid you are.skinny and frail,kinda like aloha.

-hueso-haven't met her but can see that she has potential to do some thing,if she wasn't so young and invovled with you kids.i actually wish her the best of luck.


knowing what i know ,like where you paint,and where some of you live,and having meet you guys-step to me-cause you will be the First To Fall.there isn't a one of you that could handle me.i'll open the trunk, and go to town on your asses.

after that all i can say is keep trying to get up and hanging out at your legal,take the short cut to gettting aressted and end your attempt at a graff career.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Homie, your some skinny fucking chipped tooth four eyed hippy who when PUSH COME TO SHOVE! YOU WOULDNT DO FUCKING EITHER you fucking CHUMP! How cute it is you browse my myspace page huh.. Seeing as how much you detest me right? Fucking clown.. Honestly, the girls in LTF could handdle your bitch made ass. And that's the truth and we both know it.. Say what you want princess, nothing changes with you.. Much like the shit you paint.. It must hurt to run in place for as long as you have, and have to bare witness a younger generation surpassing you both in craft and spots huh... You're eyes are greener then ever sweetheart, but I'll leave shadows around them you want to keep running your mouth using your keyboard as a vehicle how you really feel.. Funny you were suppose to be in LTF when I frist started it, now you slander it for attention..?.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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The connection is...we're like kids living a dream man, but we're getting caught up in all of this drama. We're over here thirsty for blood. and yet, if we don't stick to each other who will? We're outcasts to everyone else. They will never understand what we do. Live the fairy tale, FLY and live, love, and create. Stop the beef. It's pointless. Looking up to guys like you when I started...I thought beef was part of graffiti, its not...its nonsense. I got caught up in it and called out some dudes like a fool. Ya'll are dudes people look up to, give us something to admire. I regret ever calling WOEM out...im not trying to be that dude that beefs with everybody. Bump it...he comes at me...he comes at me...ima keep doing art, and keep loving life. Beef is killing us.

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If you knew anything you would know that i AM BEIR from the west coast, and underage?Hahahaha im closer to your age hommie.


You might want to do your homework before you start calling people out. All im going to say is.... Leave my name outta your fucking mouth.


This bullshit all spawned from excatly that. BULLSHIT.

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the 12oz smiley parade:

:skull2: :dunce: :china: :clown2: :zombie: :yuck: :freak2:

:rudolph: :miamivice: :mexican: :heated: :krunk: :chicken: :umm: :beat2: :five-o: :cool:

it's like a party of smileys

i know I have way too much fun on this site.....

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somebody buy cheap thrills a carton of smokes..... non-menthol..











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