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I went to SF and LA, and realized my tags and throws are weak.

2010 gotta step my game up, and come a lot more correct. Cheers!


dorms actually admitting hes wack???? whats going on? am i in bizzarro world?????


whats going on. someone must have hacked his account, he could not all the sudden not thing hes the king of the world

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dorms actually admitting hes wack???? whats going on? am i in bizzarro world?????


whats going on. someone must have hacked his account, he could not all the sudden not thing hes the king of the world


I've never thought I was king of anything, those are your words.

but ya I'm super toy, and hitting the black books like a youngster.

I'm gunna get my bars up in 2010. Cheers

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Stan Humphries is the greatest charger of all time! LT is a great man on and off the field. But I will always remember him for 3 things...

1.) dropping to his knees after a winning touchdown in the "dead zone" in Oakland. Amazing game..

2.) Getting all butt hurt after getting merked by the Patriots at home after a 14-2 season.

3.) Helmet on sitting on the sidelines as the Chargers lost a hard fought battle in New England short handed in the AFC championship.


2 out of 3 of the most vivid memories of LT's career with the Chargers were negative, and we havnt been to a super bowl since 94' when LT was still a kid. I'll miss that polite texan charm but its about time!!!


Norv over Marty..... iffy

Rivers over Brees... ill still take it

LT over michael Turner.... foolish!!

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BOATS... you wrong for that spoiler thread... i only read the first few lines though.

Season 2 is turning out to be more exciting then I was led to believe.


and lol at the dorms revelations.. you JUST went to SF/LA?? you had to go there to figure this out? you know they have graffiti on the internet now too... just sayin'

but good luck with the "not sucking" i'm sure your fans are thrilled.

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BOATS... you wrong for that spoiler thread... i only read the first few lines though.

Season 2 is turning out to be more exciting then I was led to believe.


and lol at the dorms revelations.. you JUST went to SF/LA?? you had to go there to figure this out? you know they have graffiti on the internet now too... just sayin'

but good luck with the "not sucking" i'm sure your fans are thrilled.


he just never looked at anything but his own shit before. personaly i think someone stomped him out and told him hes a toy while doing it and it finally got through to him

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Damn true Boats forgot about that denver game it's just that season was so disappointing it kinda overlooked what he accomplished. And I was still a sperm when fouts was doin his thing but humphries was a true hero. Playing through the concussions and injury's, retiring with the bolts. I love that man no homo

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