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Hello guys- Well I guess the cats out of the bag. Yes we are online as the previous posts suggest but we are not as bad as you make us! Really. I personally have let many writers off with a simple warning for tagging. As long as they promise to stop doing graffiti. The second time I catch you you are going to jail.


The thing is we have to do our job, its what the city pays us for. I would love if you guys would just stop it. As a rookie cop I would rather patrol and see some action on Franklin then waste my time making screen names and "fishing" for tips. Im just being honest. So can everybody please just stop vandalizing the city or at least stick to your legal walls.


For those of you wishing to give information on others due to "beefs" we have a graffiti hotline - (916) 447-4475. You can remain annonymous and still receive a reward if we are able obtain a conviction based on your tip. If you are arrested and provide information we sometimes ask the prosecuter to dismiss charges- help yourself out. Dont end up going to CCC for 90 days due to a felony vandalism charge- its not worth it.


For others who like writing we are thinking of putting together a summer program funded by the city which would give you commission walls to paint. Contact us here (916) 447-4475.


As a side note I actually like graffiti (but in its proper place). Ive actually sketched some "bubbles letter" and I am getting pretty good. If anyone would like to see just let me know...




(916) 447-4475


stolen from the sacramento thread....

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I would rather look in the toilet when wiping my ass then help graff threads....This sd thread has been a victim of wealk self promotion gone bad..A few indenial bad apples go from site to site with the same big headedness....Its not a coinsedence that there hated on in all threads..Ther is a reason behind everything....How do you make a poll I need everyones opinions....Circle of friends need to stop lying to your homies....Get A Life SD....Ima go stick my dick down my girls throat....Have fun lamers....RastaLoco

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nice a fan that fallows us site to site.. come on, if you had a life you would not have to make a comment like that. i don't mind that you dis-like our shit, but make comments on every site is showing that you lack common sense. thus, it is leading you to contradict your self. sorry i have a lot to share with the net!

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For one thing when did your name come out..Someone has a guilty Conscious..You must feel that you fit into the catagory of whom I speak about..I use to come to this site before you were introduced to "the new pg"..But these are the reason I dont come around graff sites too often--Along with a bunch of real graff writers I use to chill with....Anyways have fun with waht you do..I meanm your so cool because "your up like" like you say..The world of quanity is way above quality I guess....Trans is getting better a little--But I dont think you were much of a sketcher must have grabbed paint before pen..Am I right?All in all these posts are lame..I still cant believe youve never taken any of the 97 percent of net graffs population giving you advice....Anyways..Who Cares Keep Kinging....

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I would rather look in the toilet when wiping my ass then help graff threads....This sd thread has been a victim of wealk self promotion gone bad..A few indenial bad apples go from site to site with the same big headedness....Its not a coinsedence that there hated on in all threads..Ther is a reason behind everything....How do you make a poll I need everyones opinions....Circle of friends need to stop lying to your homies....Get A Life SD....Ima go stick my dick down my girls throat....Have fun lamers....RastaLoco


i need to agree with this guy,

there used to be a time on 12oz

where if you self promoted you were pounced on like a steak in a tiger cage

im not saying never post your own work

but atleast post some other peoples also

i see those pics from pits,

and im sure you see other peoples work down there

and take flicks of what you like

i know i do that :cool:

so why not post those also

the reason i dont post is because i lost the cord for my camera

and im too lazy/broke/paranoid to goto some store and have em put on a disk



i guess my main point would be

this is the San Diego thread

not the every single thing Molp and his crews ever done thread

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if no one in sd like me/us why would i post their shit?? i have tons of other people shit, however it is because this reason i don't post other work. post your own stuff stop crying..sorry i have enough photo to make molp and friends thread..geesus i have only been painting for just over a year...

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if no one in sd like me/us why would i post their shit?? i have tons of other people shit, however it is because this reason i don't post other work. post your own stuff stop crying..sorry i have enough photo to make molp and friends thread..geesus i have only been painting for just over a year...


if NO ONE in sd likes you exept your crew,

you have far more problems than i thought.

as for that being your reason,

thats pretty selfish...

dont you want to show the work of artists who insipred you or you look up to?

thats how it works in almost every other thread on this site...

as for me crying,

i was trying to give you some advice...

as for the molp and freinds thread aka SOD / ATB,

i already saw it a few pages back,

and maybe it would be better for everyone if you posted them there...


when i was a toy atleast i understood the game.

i guess i was lucky having older cats to tell me how shit works...

you lack respect and that is something that is essential in this game.

without it you are going to have a very difficult career a a grafitti artist...

for everyone else sorry about the all text i know its a pain in the ass!:D

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if NO ONE in sd likes you exept your crew,

you have far more problems than i thought.

as for that being your reason,

thats pretty selfish...

dont you want to show the work of artists who insipred you or you look up to?

thats how it works in almost every other thread on this site...

as for me crying,

i was trying to give you some advice...

as for the molp and freinds thread aka SOD / ATB,

i already saw it a few pages back,

and maybe it would be better for everyone if you posted them there...


when i was a toy atleast i understood the game.

i guess i was lucky having older cats to tell me how shit works...

you lack respect and that is something that is essential in this game.

without it you are going to have a very difficult career a a grafitti artist...

for everyone else sorry about the all text i know its a pain in the ass!:D


molp you betta listen to this guy:D :D

cream its all good about the text this fool need to hear this shit from someone:lol:

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I Blame Myself, first of all I new he was an artist beofre he was a writer, and he saw me and I took him under my wing, I begged him for three years before he picked up a can! I know he or I are not the greatest writers in the world but I would say that my bigheadedness contributed to him being him and me being me! I'm not baggin on my boy he's been there when things where tuff, and me for him....but you can't knock the guy for having heart! WTF is heart? heart is being down for whatever, the crew, your self.....for your fams. I'd die for dude like he was my brother. his steelo is not your mainstream funk people usually see, it's an artistically aesthetic style, people knock him for- but guess what fuckers- he gets up! not sitting at home photoshoping a drawing he did, he's creeping past your parents bedroom at 2:30 in the morning walking through spider webs on the edge of a cliff to hit a wall you can see from the freeway! Thats what I like about the guy, not that he's mad creative and has good ideas, but more importantly hes down! down to rumble, down to paint....whatever....someone said (not gonna say who, but they are someone in the graff community) Molp and Trans don't get up..............If we didn't how the fuck would you know our name! I stop posting fliks cause I don't wanna get hemmed up for fliks I got on a computer, everything I do goes out to graff gods and it goes where it goes...I said my piece, sorry to soap box just wanted to give some background, and hope all ya'll stay safe on the streets cause we loose to many good writers to be beefing about what was the past, stay up all yall and god bless! RIP PARIS AND RIP AREST150! if you wanna talk shit to me send a fuckin message don't post it on this thread...Peace!

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/\yup! cops doing bubble letters.....thats what it has come to. Fuck the cops! fuck the buff!, it's like all the spots are gone and I really drive looking for spots every where I go, and it just seems that TVC are the only ones creating new ones, seen a couple down town.

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