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say whatever whenever karocksalot......

let me clarify for the non hip-hoprehensive,

the intro of the article gets your hopes up talkin up "grimy thick style"

then dude smacks you with a filled in KRISP....in philly?!

karocksalot was undoubtedly surprised as was I....but dude also gave the setting..2000.

I hope you got an A on the project whomever...

maybe SUPA and CON didn't deserve the COVER of the BALTIMORE magazine back in may 1994?

that was a result of ARON taking a hottie MICA chick to eastpoint to take flix of graff

and do an article all about it.....the CON character still crushes kids.....library trip.....

hanging out behind MICA under the bridges will go on forever,changing the participants each

semester, and for some this will be the starting point of their recognization of graff at all...

unfortunately they may never uncover or witness the old school dope stuff....too bad....

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this may ruffle some feathers but im going to just say what i feal and it is what it is no beef or bullshit.....if i was from another city and this was my intro to baltimore graf this article than how sad as a city and as a town with style masters to be represented in this way....it said i quote kos a very relavent crew in bmore...........no disrespect yall made it known ya here and all that but historicly speaking in regards to baltimore kos has not achieved that yet yall are young and on your way but be honest about it this is not to discredit you guys as a crew just a statement of facts...........and the pictures oh lord let me stop ..........bmore stand up dont let the fakers fake master your craft and take that shit serious its a reason cats like t-kid is getting $7000.00 a canvas and shit like that if you invest in yourself as a buisness think about you as a product and understand there is more than drinking with ya boyz and killen a few cans of black writing your name on ghetto corners ya feal me.....................karock dst ba ksw sa km phc id blt elw ..................


trying to put this to a point without disrespect as well. You obviously did alot in the early days, however you havent been relevant to baltimore in a long time, graffiti wise. KOS has been doing it for a long time and is still doing it, in the streets, on walls, and trains. They deserve alot of credit for baltimore graffiti. Don't underestimate freights. Like you said, this is a business, and KOS is good at advertising, on a national level. Just my opinion.

Amer BS

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trying to put this to a point without disrespect as well. You obviously did alot in the early days, however you havent been relevant to baltimore in a long time, graffiti wise. KOS has been doing it for a long time and is still doing it, in the streets, on walls, and trains. They deserve alot of credit for baltimore graffiti. Don't underestimate freights. Like you said, this is a business, and KOS is good at advertising, on a national level. Just my opinion.

Amer BS


Very well put.I respect dst,ksw and other older bmore crews,especially kos they been around for well over a decadeand just maybe a year or 2 behind dst,an equally relevant maryland crew.uh yea......whatever,who cares.dumb article. Bump baal.

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trying to put this to a point without disrespect as well. You obviously did alot in the early days, however you havent been relevant to baltimore in a long time, graffiti wise. KOS has been doing it for a long time and is still doing it, in the streets, on walls, and trains. They deserve alot of credit for baltimore graffiti. Don't underestimate freights. Like you said, this is a business, and KOS is good at advertising, on a national level. Just my opinion.

Amer BS


i am still relavent forever im in the history books kid you cant do baltimore history on a truthful level with out sayin my name period or ksw dst etc....nobody can take that away and just because you dont see a car piece or tag does not mean im not in the game doing my thing i see alot of shit on here that is mine all the shakens on the previous or next i forget are my sketches 75% of the areks you have seen for the last few years karock did those sketches alot of cats got good because of me i have taught more cats in bmore style than kos can even muster up.....i know when shit pops up in bmore graf wise niggas be calling me to do it and i aint lived in bmore in almost 5 years....wild style artists of eden etc... so relavent is an understatement ..........and frieghts are cool i was doing frieghts in like 90 so yall enjoy i have moved on evolved transformed grew some of yall will never get passed being a bomber or a wack toy because you just dont have it ........frieghts allow yall to pass half ass shit off as some other shit and i aint mad do it up to the fullest but just because you have 300 frieghts with the same ass piece 100 different times dont ever get it twisted that you on my level and can step to a wall and do any style you want to hang with me....if i lived in bmore 60% of you suckas wouldnt exist....DST crew.....karock arek jase ander mask kuzen meek smk shaken ryke wake fase relm drak syze jade mako chew zyon werld 795 we created that shit

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and some people don't wanna make money on graff. some of us just wanna write on shit.


some cant do anything but write on shit and cant do that very well ..........the key to life is to be able to live and get paid doing what you love to do that said we all know there is a group of writers who are as they say " out to bomb the system " " fight the establishment " thats all good when you are young but when you really think about it what system you fighting you aint winning shit new york fought the system and lost where is the subway days now? i hated being in jail for a fucking tag fines i mean whats the point in the end am i gangster because i have a record for writing on a no stopping sign.....i would much rather encourage cats to not waste years and money and time running the streets and see people get a hold of the next phase of graf that can allow one to grow in the mental and pocket..........but some like i say all they can do is be a bomber or never go passed a decent straight letter .....

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you may wanna up the freight numbers on that post, yea 300 +...but you have to factor in that was done by multiple crew members. for years in a row. not just one year..nor two...nor five. so for years a few members would pull 350-400 trains a year, for multiple years. This was started in the 90's as well, and continued well into the present. There is a lot a KOS crew that still paints trains, streak trains and are track side weekly, as well as other aspects of the culture. Some have gone, some are still around but there for the most part has not been a many year hiatus taken. Eh what ever, to each there own, we have put some work in...may not all be wild style burner crap..but regardless a name was made.

Back to work, peace all.

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