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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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back from lurking...


anyway on my filthy praxis/dirty habit connection


dirty is basically the same thing as filthy

and a habit and praxis are almost the same thing


prax·is ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prkss)

n. pl. prax·es (prksz)

Habitual or established practice; custom


therefore unless mr. filthy is an imposter with a clever name,

its mr. dirty resurrected

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Guest sneak
Originally posted by When

ill just assume its mr. dirty until someone tells me otherwise

just call me sherlock holmes, holmes


nah bro...ill cal you when!

brb...needing nicotine etc

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Guest sneak

well good for you krie...dont start.

im not going to debate teh finer points of how smoking is bad cos im the age where i dont really give much of a fuck.

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Guest willy.wonka

i smoke 2 joints in the morning, i smoke 2 joints at night, i smoke 2 joints in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright.i smoke 2 joints in time of peace and to the time of war.i smoke 2 joints before i smoke 2 joints and then i smoke2 more.

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Originally posted by willy.wonka

i smoke 2 joints in the morning, i smoke 2 joints at night, i smoke 2 joints in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright.i smoke 2 joints in time of peace and to the time of war.i smoke 2 joints before i smoke 2 joints and then i smoke2 more.


i wonder how many joints that is?

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Guest willy.wonka

man, i think i've smoked a joint or two every night for the past couple of weeks.my days off, im stoned.somewhat productive though.im waiting for the perfect time to go to the beach.its startin to get hot around here.

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