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  1. Kimura Lock Details To Control And Submit Anyone There are some moves in BJJ that easily withstand the test of time. Some techniques are always popular and transcend the boundaries of Gi and No Gi Jiu-Jitsu. No matter how much they’re practiced, these moves stay highly efficient in every aspect of competition. The rear naked choke is one such example of a high percentage move that’s useful to every grappler. Another is the armbar, a highly reliable move that many Judokas and BJJ players still favor to this day. But there’s one move, that is as old as BJJ itself and originally proved it’s effectiveness against the founder himself. We’re talking, of course, about the Kimura lock. The Kimura lock is a shoulder lock submission, mostly specific to BJJ. It is a move that never went out of fashion, sort to speak. It’s always been a high percentage move that’s effective across all belt levels and categories. Even some of the most fearsome BJJ fighters, like Minotauro, and even Heli Gracie himself have suffered defeat due to the Kimura. It is a very powerful submission available from virtually every BJJ position we know. Time to brush up on your knowledge of a move you’ve most likely been taught during your first month of Jiu-Jitsu. Masahiko Kimura The Kimura lock bears the name of a formidable Judoka that reigned terror among grappling martial arts competitors. Masahiko Kimura was a Japanese Judoka and pro-wrestler who is considered to be one of the greatest of all times. Masahiko Kimura got a Judo black belt at 15 years of age and was the youngest ever 5th-degree black belt at the age of 18. He was a very feared Judoka who, reportedly, only lost 4 matches in his entire career. His brutal training regimen included daily practices of a thousand pushups and 9-hour long training sessions. Kimura was promoted to a 7th-degree Judo black belt at the age of 30. His favorite move was, as you might guess, the reverse ude-garami, or Kimura lock. Kimura is one of the pioneers of Vale Tudo fighting. The pro-wrestler faced and beat many high-level opponents during his prime. In 1951, while visiting Brazil, the famous Judoka responded to a challenge from the founder of BJJ, Helio Gracie. They fought in a “submission only format” that included the opportunity to win by submission or knockout. Pretty similar to today’s Combat Jiu-Jitsu, in essence. Helio and Kimura squared off in the famous Maracana stadium, in front of 20.000 people. Kimura threw the much lighter Helio around for a while before pinning him to the ground. After multiple submission attempts, he was finally successful with a reverse ude-garami, that broke Helio’s arm. In owner of his formidable opponent, Helio later named the move the Kimura lock, after incorporating it into BJJ. Deconstructing The Kimura Lock The Kimura lock, or double wrist lock, as it is known in wrestling, is primarily a shoulder lock. It is done with two arms against one, meaning it is mechanically very sound and powerful. This very versatile submission can be reached through all kinds of positions, both top, and bottom. This makes it a very effective technique that is suitable for every level, thanks to its fairly simple mechanics. To execute the Kimura lock, one needs to obtain the proper grips, to begin with. The most important thing is getting one of your arms across the opponent’s shoulder and deep inside their arm. As a reference point, you need to place your own shoulder on top of the shoulder you’re attacking with a Kimura lock. From there, your other arm grips the wrist of the opponent. To secure the lock tightly, the hand you threaded through their arm, need to connect with the arm gripping the wrist. The grip configuration of your arms is in a figure 4 lock. Finishing the Kimura lock requires you to bend the opponent’s arm behind their backs, in police brutality style. The position of you in terms of your opponent decides the manner in which the arm is going to get behind the opponent’s back. The key to finishing, regardless of position, is angling your body so that all your weight is behind their forearm. From there all you need it to look to place their own wrist on their opposite shoulder. However, you’ll get the tap way before you’re able to achieve this. The Kimura locks is not only a submission, despite this common perception. It is, actually, a position of tight control, that allows you to manipulate your opponent and open up transitions and/or other attacks. Attacking Kimura Lock From Everywhere A great thing about the Kimura lock is that can also be used from almost any position. Once it’s engaged you know that your opponent is in deep water. Not only are they in constant danger, but it’s also impossible to gain any leverage back. The closed guard Kimura is a staple of BJJ. It’s one of the first moves that people learn when they sign up. The idea is to make your opponent post one of his arms to the side so that you can place a grip. From there, it is as easy as sitting up and throwing the other arm around. Once you have the grip, you get back on the ground and look to angle off to the side you’re attacking. And, in the case of opening the guard, you just need minor adjustments. You might be familiar with some of these moves already, but we are going to try to stress some of the most important, but often ignored details. Getting the Kimura from the bottom half guard is one of the most reliable submission options. Much like the closed guard Kimura lock, you need the arm you’re attacking to be on the ground. Since most people, either knowingly or instinctively, will grip their own pants to prevent you from finishing the lock. Here’s a great trick to counter this defense: Side control is a very dominant BJJ position that offers all to of attacking options, The Kimura lock is just one available option from there, but it’s a reliable one. For both grappling and MMA purposes, this is a great Kimura hunting position. As a variation of side control, the North-South position offers amazing opportunities to get a Kimura on. From there you either submit or take the back. Kimura Trap System The Kimura Trap System is a system developed by David Avellan. It is a control system designed around the kimura lock from every position possible. The kimura trap system includes various transitions, sweeps, passes, submissions, takedowns and takedown counters. The Kimura Trap uses the Kimura lock without necessarily going for a submission finish straight away. Most of the techniques in this system are used often, albeit in a stand-alone fashion. The innovative thing about the Kimura trap system is the way it brings all of the techniques together. All the positions flow from one technique to the next in an easy to learn system. Whatever the technique or position the goal is a common one – getting the Kimura lock.
  2. https://bjj-world.com/tomoe-nage-sumi-gaeshi-bjj/ The key thing that is a mark of advanced grapplers is the ability to adapt to situations. Hand in hand with those abilities goes the skill of combining techniques that are similar in nature. This is a great way to ensure that you can accomplish a specific goal using whatever is at your disposal, as opposed to forcing a singular technique. A great example of this ar takedowns. After blue belt, you’ll hardly manage to pull off a takedown by going for just one well-practiced move. It doesn’t matter how good you are with it, people are going to be able to block it with relative ease. This is where combinations and systems come into play. A great one for grapplers of all levels is the Sumi Gaeshi – Tomoe Nage takedown system for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The thing with the Sumi Gaeshi and the Tomoe Nage throws is that people in BJJ often use them in a wrong manner. On top of that, even Judokas do not combine these two neighboring moves too much, which is a real shame. For BJJ, these throws offer all the rewards without any of the risks. The reason for this is the fact that they put you under an opponent, which is arguably the second best place to be, apart from heavy top positions. Ending up under an opponent means you have control over their center of gravity and their legs are going to pose no problem. Furthermore, it means you can enter into the throws from a variety of guards, in addition to the usual attacks from the feet. The Sumi Gaeshi The Sumi Gaeshi takedown is one of the most attractive moves that do not place you in a risky spot. To that effect, attacking the Sumi Gaehsi can be done in three distinct manners. The first approach is a proactive one. To attacks with a Sumi Gaehsi, you’ll need to have the opponent’s posture completely broken. This is achieved through Kuzushi or off balancing your opponent by using a sleeve grip. Once you have the opponent leaning towards you, place a grip on their belt, right on the middle of their lower back. This places your elbow into position to press on their spine, keeping their posture broken for good. Now, place the same side leg as the arm holding the belt inside the opponent’s same side thigh. From there on, you get to your butt and kick with the hooked leg, sending the opponent flying over. The reactive path of attacking the Sumi Gaeshi is off a single leg takedown attempt. WHenver an opponent has you in a single leg, they’ll need to secure the leg before getting you down. Simply placing the belt grip is going to prevent the takedown. From there, your leg is already in a position for the throw. Finally, open guards like the butterfly guard or the butter-half guard are also prefects for a Sumi Gaehsi. Once you have a hook in, there’s no escape. The Tomoe Nage The Tomoe Nage is somewhat different than the Sumi Gaehsi. It is crucial to be able to make a difference between the two, in order to be able to use them as a combination. For one, the Tomoe Nage is a throw that you execute on an opponent that has an upright posture. Secondly, the positioning of the leg is not inside the thigh as a hook, but on the hips, very similar to a guard pull. The Tomoe Nage has two great variations – the straight and side or Yoko Tomoe Nage. For the straight version, you want to have a sleeve and collar grip and of course, off balance the opponent. The goal is to make them pull their hips back. As they do, you can place your leg on their hip. This makes most people retreat, even more, expecting a guard pull. As they try to pull their posture up, you simply jump up towards them and go for the same site and roll motion as with the Sumi Gaeshi. The Yoko Tomoe Nage is quite an advanced version that you’ll need to drill a lot. It involves you falling at an angle so that when you throw your opponent, they spin through the air in addition to going over you. The beauty is that it works off a straight Tomoe Nage as well as as a Sumi Gaeshi. Putting It All Together The first thing that determines your takedown success with the Sumi Gaeshi – Tomoe Nage is how your opponent reacts. The best way to go about things is to try to get the Sumi Gaehsi first. The usual trouble with trying a proactive Sum iGaehis setup is that the opponent’ won’t give away their posture lightly. This, however, sets them up for a perfect Tomoe Nage entry. But the cycle doesn’t end here. The great thing about this system is that you can switch between takedowns. If the opponent decides to peel off the leg you’re placing on the hip for a Tomoe Nage, you can always go in two directions. Once, you can try to get the posture down again, which this time is going to be easier. Of course, if that doesn’t work, there’s no need to give up. Instead, change the angle and give the Yoko Tomoe Nage a try. Out of the three, this one is bound to work if you get it right. And, of course, you can also always throw in a guard pull to make things interesting. Actually, you can use a fake guard pull to set all of the above techniques up. As a bonus, know that you can hit everything both form standing and from butterfly guard variations as well. Keep experimenting with it and remember that you need to accomplish a goal, not just finish a technique. And the goal here is to send the opponent flying!
  3. Chris haueter is a fucking wizard
  4. Chris Haueter is one of the original dirty dozen trained under the OG brothers Rorion, Royce, Rickson and Royler.
  5. that makes more sense...gripping the arm in a kimura then just basically turning 90 degrees BAM, you got leverage and shoulder control I can see why you like the kimura alot...its fucking effective
  6. so you would clamp their leg, then squirm dragging their arm in a kimura...bro that would be a miracle scramble
  7. It exploits the trust that your opponent has on a dominant position like they said in the video, noone in their right mind would attempt a collar choke from bottom position because of the risk of giving up your back
  8. If you were desperate enough, you can for sure scramble out of that hip squirm
  9. I believe A framing give full access to the collar....i believe collar control is good for beginners wanting to submit their opponent early It also teaches the concept of leverage and shoulder control Theres the fear of telegraphing your movements in the video you shared
  10. Kimura or rear naked choking arms to gain leverage on collar chokes @fat ralphy@Mercer@iloveboxcars
  11. I've been finding myself going for underhooks when I get close enough. Underhooks with bolos at the ankle to disrupt bases Kimura are great because they're so easy to implement. I tend to take myself too seriously while rolling. Apparently I have resting bitch face.
  12. Very interesting doc on socal BJJ
  13. You're a big dude, so i cant work with the tools you have...i compensate with quickness and agility passing guard is literally me scrambling or swinging from form to form
  14. albino and preto belts on sale grabbed a white one right now
  15. Rickson with the New balance 993's
  16. Since i'm not as big as the other jiujiteiro out there, i tend to focus more on movement and dynamic passes what do you guys focus on? @iloveboxcars@Mercer@fat ralphy I try to copy Kron Gracie and Otavio Sousa, the Miyao brothers, and other nimble fighters @misteravenHave you ever done bear crawls, frog hops, or any other core based exercises involving moving from one side of the room to another?
  17. WELCOME BACK!!! It seems like eating is all of our problems I'm 5'6"- 5'7" and ive hit the weights pretty hard. Problem is, i started eating 3000 calories a day I went from 155 to 180 within 2 months.
  18. Jack Slack analysis of macgregor fight
  19. @misteraveni'm fully on board with that suggestion. I'll share pics of the juicer i got on amazon, later. @Mercercore exercises are key. I've been doing laps of lunges, heavy deadlifts, kettle bell swings, hanging leg lifts, rows for back shit's not easy. imagine doing all that work and still tap out on the mat. gets me angry all the time
  20. Oh man....that's gonna be hard lol
  21. I've tried everything, workout wise, when it comes to losing fat. I've come to one conclusion...it's purely diet. I've decided to lean towards a more efficient and utilitarian diet from now on.
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