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breakfast menu

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Posts posted by breakfast menu

  1. let's take turns. i'll start. whoever likes and defends [bAD FOOD THAT IS NEARLY INDEFENSIBLE] may then pick one of their own.


    water chestnuts. they are a flavorless and limp ingredient that burden or ruin any dish. they taste like a packing material that someone hastily converted to a food. they are the color and nutritional content (starch, carbs) of all lives matter supporters. there is nothing you can do to make them delicious or enjoyable in any way. i do not pick through food that's served to me, ever. i will do this for one exception: water chestnuts.


    if you like them, defend them, pick something new

  2. yeeeeooooo.

    i joined in '08.

    since joining, i:


    graduated high school

    went to college

    painted my first freight

    transferred to a better college

    caught my first case

    met a nice and cool girl

    stopped painting graffiti

    graduated college

    moved to south carolina

    moved to ohio

    got dumped

    got fired

    almost died

    got sober

    started painting graffiti again

    found a career that'll never pay well but that i can do well

    started an art career

    lost friends, buried friends, made new ones

    bought a pallet of paint

    started mentoring a younger writer

    caught my second case

    traveled internationally for the first time

    traveled solo internationally for the first time

    painted trains in a different country


    i sorta grew up on here, which is a scary thought.

    • Like 3
  3. thanks guys!

    i can probably put $6-8k down and finance the rest; my credit is fine.

    will probably go with a 4cyl ranger, a 2010 or 2011 (worried about frame rust). ex-fleet vehicle would be perfect.


    can't wait to put the jazz pattern on it and stunt:



  4. 3 years today.

    in 2013 i was hospitalized with a BAC that should have killed me.


    a lot of you were kind and helpful and listened throughout these years. thank you, sincerely.


    i owe my life to sobriety and commitment to a 12-step program. i owe friendships made and maintained, a professional career crashed and restarted, a painting career that's now touched three continents and, lately, yielded something akin to an art career.


    these have been 3 years i wasn't supposed to have. i buy that alcoholism and drug addiction is supposed to kill you, that it's less a threat, more a promise. my number was called in 2013. the longer i stay around the rooms, working a program, the longer i can put it off being called again.


    RIP to the four people this disease took from my life in the past year; RIP to oontzers we've lost as well.

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks Symbols. Not gonna lie, I went and got me a pint of vodka and am drunk right now. I hate it but damn the relief of not fighting it for a minute.

    I called my best friend and we laughed about the old times and my wife called. She'll be home in a few hours, mad at me for getting drunk but she'll be here. I'll be passed out but when I wake up, I'll talk to her and get back on track.


    The thing that keeps fucking me up is the thought that people are mean and I can't get past that. I guess I'll call my shrink tomorrow.


    yeah, hell is other people.

    you do have the people you have. your wife sounds pretty ride-or-die here.

    it's scary to not have control over what's happening to you.

    all you can control is your reaction.


    Just checking in. Great to see this thread still moving.


    136 days sober today. Feeling a million bucks. Out in the city after watching some Aussie football live. Creating new memories that don't include me getting drunk and belligerent.


    Blessed to live in a country with access to residential rehabs. Not sure I could have done this without being plucked from society for a period of time.


    As they say, just doing it for today.


    My props to anybody that has even the desire to stop drinking and drugging. Take the power back and start making your own choices.


    RIP poz.


    holy shit, pro! welcome back. was wondering how long it would be until i heard from you. 136 days rules -- powerful stuff.


    it's good to remember the show the next morning.


    this!! live music is so much better now.

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