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Posts posted by aLBERThOFFMAN

  1. kinda like the hotdogs in the crust at pizza hut, which i havent gotten around to trying


    Tried that shit. It was actually decent, dipped it in bbq sauce. The thought of what I was eating was casually offputting however. A long ass hotdog-hoop wrapped in dough, tasted and seemed overly processed and made with x number of different animals' scraps. The kind you trim off the meat before you cook it.

  2. Thank you very much! I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction, even if it is on a "FUCKING GRAFFITI FORUM" hahahahahaha


    I got really sick with food poisoning a week ago from idk what. But yeah, back on it. Working out tonight. Eating dem oatz.


    Sounds like you've just passed your n00b gains phase which is normal. My advice is to just lower the weights on the lifts you're failing and keep at it.


    I'm not planning on switching my routine or cutting until i hit around 2 plates on my squat. It's around this time when you actually start to hate lifting, especially squatting (fuck they're hectic and I'm only at 180 right now). Just gotta push yourself and tell yourself to stop being a little bitch :D. Watching videos online of scrawny girls squatting heavier than yourself is good enough motivation for me. Don't get discouraged by your lack of gains, I've been hovering around the weights I'm at now for like a month and it's annoying. Just gotta trek through it.

  3. try using a different form of bar

    slow down on the crazy fills, just do solids for a bit.

    think about consistency in the 3d



    snoc: lose that haters gonna hate attitude. its fucking retarded. haters are going to hate because what you're doing fucking sucks. don't get an ego, ever, but especially not until you understand basic letter form.



    Everything Fist just said answers pretty much every question in this whole thread. Ever.

    Keep it simple till you grasp the basics, and even once you do keep keeping it simple. Progression takes time and practice.

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