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Posts posted by aLBERThOFFMAN

  1. This on the train at 7 p.m.



    I was drinking whiskey out of the 26oz with my girl on the last car one Friday night. This gangstuh-looking Filipino dude walks up to us and goes "this isn't the place for that, put it away. If I see you take it out again I'm jacking it." I sat there in awe for a moment then just started laughing. He walked off and just grilled us for the rest of the ride.


    Was going back home from downtown drunk one night and I seen some douche lookin' guy doing chin-ups on one of the bars. Everyone on the train was drunk and loud and no one was really acknowledging him. He then tries to pull some acrobatic shit and hang upside down by his knees and the guy falls right on his head and just lays there for a couple seconds. Train goes quiet then everyone looks over and starts cracking up. Dumbass.


    That's all I can think of at the moment but I'm sure I'll remember more. Other than that it's just the usual homelessness, ratchet pussy and white-trash moms, drunk fucks and inconsiderate assholes. I'm not saying I'm a fucking golden example member of society, but a little bit of common courtesy goes a long way.

  2. Aside from the unmelted cheese, looks dope.


    I let them sit for a little bit so the cheese would melt on the burger and bacon, I'm with you melted cheese on burgers is key. Also they got sauteed onions on the Buddy, proper.


    Looks good but the menu sounds like a pervert named all the burgers :lol:


    Haha i know right. It's supposed to be the "Burger Family" but I only go with teens and lil buddies if you catch my pedophelic drift.:huh:

  3. lol cool story and all but colours and fills are part of graffiti... IT'S AN ART MAANNN! and your blackbook must be mad boring, all black and white, no colors?

    I'm one of the least artistic people I know. My blackbook is reserved for friends and people I meet. I wouldn't even mind if it was all black and white though, to each's own. These battles are the most I've sketched in months.


    Voting for myself 1er, mek gets deuces.

  4. Shit, didnt read the rules. Thought it was black and white... lol MEK killed it.


    I only sketch in black and white, maybe a coloured force or something but that's it. It lets you focus on the actual letter structure as opposed to getting sidetracked by all the frills and colours.

  5. I'm just turning 21, let that sink in yall old farts :).


    Childish behaviour is still accepted to a certain extent, it ain't all bad. Lots of free time to get fucked up and do whatever without worrying about kids and whatnot. My friends all tell me I act older than I am though.

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