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Everything posted by masterpiece

  1. nah i'm not talking about rap songs that sample OTHER rap songs, just rap songs that sample any songs. post the rap song, then the song it samples, and people say which of the two songs they prefer
  2. yeah i saw that one but this is a different idea; here we post the song and the sample, and people say which the prefer and post one of their own
  3. attempting to breathe life into this thread absolutely gorgeous piece, kasr killed it with this one
  4. false, some of em are real cool but some are fuckin assholes. the same with all people, i suppose. tpbm has gotten the best haircut of their life within the last year
  5. Here's an idea: post a hip-hop track and the song it samples, and we reply and tell which of the two we prefer. Try to pick a hip-hop track that samples enough of a song so that we'll be able to tell what the song is right away. I'll start: Hip-hop track: Wiz Khalifa - "In the Cut" http://youtu.be/c62-M-Ia8kQ Sample: Frou Frou - "Let Go"
  7. false. never been to a bachelor party cuz all my friends are too young to start getting married (i'm 20) tpbm has a strange obsession with serial killers/murder
  8. t/f... out of context it would be fucked up but whatever, it's rap lyrics tpbm broke up with their girlfriend/boyfriend within the last month
  9. burning to death >>>>>>>>>>OKC & POF it's like burning to death vs burning for all eternity but not dying. with herpes.
  10. weren't the cops even smart enough to plant a pistol and a few shells in the car with the two? jesus these guys should be fired for being awful shots, as well as not even being good at being crooked cops
  12. true/false, i just ate but not a lot so i'm in the weird 'kinda hungry but also not' area. shit's awful. but yes to the tacos. tpbm stayed home from work/class today
  13. not sure how it's recycled since i took it and this is the first time i'm posting it... get YOUR shit together "b" ;) :cool:
  14. false. haven't been climbing anything. tpbm listens to mainly late '80s/early '90s hip-hop
  15. false. tpbm got a haircut within the last two weeks
  16. you should start using this exact message for people you never want to talk to
  17. this post caused me to tap with my fingers and teethbox and make a beat... who's tryna freestyle over my teethbeatz???
  18. it's only dead because people like you are not doing anything to bring it back to life. instead of hating, why don't you go out and paint?
  19. falso. at work, killing time before i'm on the clock. tpbm heard some bad news about a friend or family member yesterday
  20. masterpiece


    How about the Wolverine 1000 Mile boots? Granted, they're a bit pricey at $325, but they'll hold up better than the Adidas/Vans, and probably the Timbs as well. If you maintain these boots and make them look nice, they're also pretty classy in my opinion. Wear 'em with some jeans and a blazer and you're not doing too bad. http://needsupply.com/1000-mile-boot-66889.html Here they are in black: (http://needsupply.com/1000-mile-boot-66891.html)
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