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Everything posted by casekslays

  1. A long time ago. I've been trying to figure out a way to do it without purchasing anything. I have a wheelbarrow, so I'm thinking that's the solution I'm leaning towards.
  2. Thanks for stepping up, Crimestoppers. I'm not sure how much the 12oz presence on reddit will take, but I hope it takes. r/graffiti is so damn lame most of the time. I hope 12oz can step in and take over where those bitches lack
  3. A friend of mine jumped on my back just goofing off, he tripped me over a stump and all of his weight and my weight went into my left leg, I turned or twisted just the right way and "POW!" like a cap gun shot. I used to tell strangers who saw me walking with a cane that I was shot or it was a motorcycle accident. Never wanted to own up to the stupidity of how it really happened. Forgot to add zercher carries into my workout. 100lb sandbag.
  4. Eh. I don't have any questions about working out. I've been at it long enough to know what works for me and what doesn't. I've been working on creating a program for myself for a couple of weeks that incorporates all of those things, but haven't been in the mood to sit down and figure out what would be doubling up on specific areas and what doesn't. Here's what I've come up with so far. I'll explain after. Clean and Press 10x4 Sandbag Stair Climb x5 Chinups to failure Reverse Curl 10x4 Curl 10x4 Deadhang 3-5 for 10 seconds each Wrist Roller 5x Deadlift 1x5 Shrugs 1x5 (been doing this with the rock recently. Good shit) and some of the stuff I've been experimenting with Poundstone Curls 1x100 (empty olympic bar) once every two weeks? Knee/leg raises from pullup bar Odd object training (rock/log/sandbag) walking dips (removing these and possibly replace with skullcrushers. pressing seems to work my triceps well enough, though) flat bench/incline bench I have metal in my left leg from a femur break back in 2001, so no squats.
  5. bunch of negative ass nancy's in here.
  6. Gasfacevictim: I had typed up a response earlier but 12oz wanted me to prove I was human to post it and I said "fuck this shit". Maybe I'll retype it at some point?
  7. Well, I just pressed that rock I was having trouble with. Was easily able to shoulder it and then figured "why not?" and pressed that fucker. Guess I'll work with this one for a while and then search for a new rock. /rock head
  8. At least it didn't suggest putting things into your anus.
  9. I stopped for about six months last year and in to the beginning of this year. Started again around February. Prior to that, a few years on and off. As for strongman stuff online, yes, there is a lot. The problem is stone lifting and how sparse the resources are. Here is a short list of good shit. Old time strongman books/manuals http://www.sandowplus.co.uk/Competition/compindex.htm Jim Wendler's fitcast http://thefitcast.com/tag/jim-wendler Farmstrength (found this one the other day while researching stone lifting) https://farmstrength.wordpress.com/
  10. Did you mean to or was it one of those accidental "oops, I exercised" moments?
  11. Most likely this is the answer. This morning I felt some soreness in my forearms, so I'm guessing that's what hauling this rock around is mainly hitting. Going to start ramping up my reverse curls and see where that gets me. Here's a bad ass forum I found on the subject (there aren't many around) http://www.ironmind-forum.com/forumdisplay.php?15-Stone-lifting
  12. Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed Oh, she's a crazy white bitch.
  13. Any of you into stone lifting? Just started a routine with 90 or so lb natural stone that I can't get past my waist so what I've been doing is pick it up and walking it across the yard and then tossing it, picking it up and repeating. I can flip a 100 bar from my waist to my shoulders for an OHP, but I can't flip this stone up to my shoulder. What gives and what do I need to work on for stone carries?
  14. Thanks. I only catch his show on the Stern network randomly.
  15. Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed Dude, you totally left out Milk Grenades.
  16. If they are, they have some of the dopest documentaries I've ever seen.
  17. Once we hit the biological computers, which we already have a good start on, things are going to get super fucking futuristic. http://www.scripps.edu/news/press/2012/20120207keinan.html
  18. Yeah, I've heard the stories about real mc guys getting paid gigs to "consult", etc. Good for them. Might as well make some of that tv show long money.
  19. Chuck Zito will be in the new season. Heard he use to ride with a real MC.
  20. Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed Actually, they were all me. I've been keeping this bitch afloat for the last 10 years. I'ma go smoke a blunt and pee in a pool.
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