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Posts posted by bourgeoisie

  1. no need for apologies! you lost me with the breakdancing thing... the other info and the maps are really interesting, not trying to argue :]


    may I ask, are you Australian?


    Just to clarify, I understand diplomacy. Its late and I cant be arsed going into detail but it seems we agree on most things anyway.

    What I mean by vague is there’s general ‘vagueness’ then there’s the current fuckery of the Gillard govt. Not saying the opposition is any better but the foreign affairs department is a joke. I want to hear something other and more solid from my PM re: marines in NT. All I can hear is the sound of her lips on Obamas ass. Which is stinky. We need to solidify with China. Srsly fuck the US.

    And that’s how I feel about this particular subject right now.

  2. What??!


    Did you even look at the maps that I put up?


    It's China that's doing the oil grab, not the US. The US isn't claiming shit, it's actually sticking up for the claims of other countries.


    Secondly the reserves that people are hoping for under the SCS are not proven at all.


    Yes, I looked... I even read your thing.

    Im not too sure of your point.

    Sure the US is pushing for a closer alliance with China but why? Not to be buddies! I dont think there will be war, either, but the Australian and US motive for the Marines being stationed in NT is vague.

    PM Gillard has been dodging questions all week with scripted one liners, meanwhile, Obama flies in, charms the pollies, flies the fuck back out the next day and the only news report coming out of a very tight-lipped China is 'We will not be made fools of'.


    Also, I wouldnt call what China are doing over the SCS an 'oil grab'. Simply marking territory. Seeing how much muscle they can flex. Which is alot.


    Lastly, and is always the case, there is oil/gas involved. There are thought to be massive energy resources along with minerals, etc., below the sea bed in the region and that is more than likely China's main motivation to claim sovereignty over the area. This would not only mean that there is lots energy accessible to the most energy hungry nation in the world but it would also decrease Chinese reliance to Mid East energy to a degree.






    The US wants that oil! SO BAD! The South China sea is oil rich and hasnt been fucked with yet.

    China says, dont think so, Mr Barak. Kiss our Chinese butts!


    I wish AUS would team up with China and take over the world.

  4. Im wondering why the world police (USA! FUCK YEAH!) haven’t gone into North Korea yet. Surely the good people of North Korea deserve democracy… Just like the people of Afghanistan and Iraq! North Korea is in bed with China.

    What a tangled web of intrigue.

    Why does the West keep kissing the USA’s ass? I don’t get it? Their dollar is worth shit and they don’t export anything important.

  5. dun know if this has already been said... skim read thread to avoid spoilers etc > only just started watching last week… half way thru season 2. Enjoying the storyline so far… but my god American censorship is so weird. They allow guns and grotesque death and violence scenes but no nudity, drugs or sex (only implied or suggested). Not gritty enough. Getting weaker.

    Its taken Jackson 2 and a half seasons to grow a goatee and now he looks like Kurt Cobain crossed with Brad Pitt (kinda hot but he sucks).


    Also are they riding Harley’s? Im impressed by the lack of product placement there!

    Peggy Bundy is the stand out in the show… She’s awesome.

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