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Everything posted by KWIKone

  1. LOL yeah robin where you at. i would cop markers, but i have noo balls lol, and i cant afford to get caught. dont mind buying them.
  2. damn Mone, i saw the first one without colour and liked it. with colour it looks awesome. and the last sketch i think is the one i like best, the face looks really good
  3. this is gonna be awesome. yeah im gonna be doing two-pagers in every book. just pm me when you need my address, i already bought the book. its a longer one, more width than height, forgot the size
  4. so we're gonna leave a center two-pager for a collage of everyones names? and for our own pieces itll be a 2 pager right?
  5. Nice switcha! i like how you did the last ones background. and picked a name finally, Syne.
  6. Sent Pulz a msg also, just posting otherwise, im still in
  7. KWIKone


    lol commented on his rap letters on facebook.
  8. yeah im in canada, toronto ontario. and ill be writing something other than kwik, dont like the name much, but it will be a nice piece. and im in still just incase you needed to know.
  9. Got a few names! Cede, Stum, Skas. googled it, none with the name. whatcha guys think?
  10. nvm. theres a reams, in ny. so i need a new name..
  11. prolly gonne start writing Ream. Googled it and there is one, but not anywhere near where i am. and he isnt a "king" or anything
  12. i needed to know whether these names are taken or not. im not new to graffiti or anything, but i didnt really find anything on these names. also i would appreciate if you could help come up with a few names. KWIK just isnt doing it for me. so the anme was Sers. i picked it cuz it had letters i liked and could do properly. anyone know if theres a Sers? or any other name without i,j,v,u,o,q
  13. KWIKone


    ^oh why? what do you suggest for picking a name? i feel like KWIK is holding me back from doing nicer letters.
  14. KWIKone


    Thats cool^ im trying to pick something without a I or a v.... any suggestions?
  15. KWIKone


    also could you guys post up what your name means and how you got it?
  16. KWIKone


    damn that keep6.... i guess ill keep writing KWIK... some good inspiration there. totally forgot about keep.
  17. KWIKone


    So i write KWIK, but i was thinking about changing it to something which means something, and something without 2 of the same letters since i have a fit with names with the same letters (lol). so how, and what does your name mean? Also could you post some pieces of people with 2 of the same letter in their names?
  18. what about me? how about Sev mails it to me since im in canada too. i also wanna do a piece in the book... and ill pay whatever shipping costs there are...
  19. cool im in for this. im in toronto canada. when is this starting?
  20. Ali - those look nice. pretty cool fills and shadows. yeah i should of added something to where the negative space was to fill it up a bit. i cant do a piece without making a some of the letters lean lol
  21. exactly lol^ if you see on the last page, i like my saze exchange better than all the pieces ive done of my own name LOL
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