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Posts posted by Cro.

  1. whats the point in neg someone that has 10,080 post? I would think that you wouldnt take die fat nigger die as a positive thing...


    and who fucking cares if i post a deff smash, better then all these fat sluts people fucking post....


    you miss the point of the thread homie

  2. Stop leaning, and quit using it. Seriously, using paint thinner as hand soap is not a good idea. Sure it'll remove the ink, but it will also remove your skin...


    If you're using ink, the one thing that will always make removal easier is using the same base as the ink. For example, if you're using an alcohol based homemade pen ink, then rubbing alcohol should be the first thing you turn to in order to get it off. Then use soap and water.

    thanks man.

    my hands would get really raw so i cut it out a while ago.

    good information

  3. suicide was and always will be the cowards way out.


    everyones life sucks for some reason or another.


    killing yourself is for little pussies who are too scared to take the actions needed to better themselves or their lives.


    nuff said.




    Hunter S Thompson is probably the greatest example of someone who just fucking wasn't a pussy who committed suicide.

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