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Posts posted by Cro.

  1. i cant even fucking listen to this shit, first of all shitty ass site to upload too.. ad ad ad ad click ad ad ad ad

    second, if i had heard the music i would still not feel any better

    fucking crap. FUCK YOU COKEY



    EDIT: just listened.

    Ayeee ayee aye aye aye <-- wtf was that.

    dont sing. i can tell youre white. and you cannot rhyme.





    prosecutors said a 37-year-old hypnotist used his craft to keep a 14-year-old girl quiet about a sexual relationship they were having.


    But the attorney for Aaron Patton of Jay told a jury Monday that the girl was 16 when the two had a consensual sexual relationship. In Maine the age of consent for sexual activity is 16.


    Patton began treating the girl, now 17, with hypnotism when she was 8 years old to break her of a nail-biting habit.


    The girl testified Monday that when she was 14 they began having sex and afterward Patton would hypnotize her to keep quiet about their encounters.


    The Sun Journal of Lewiston said the girl testified she was in love with Patton and kept it secret for two years.


    maine reppin

  2. What is SSGG?


    and no, dude wants me to fuck his wife. He says that even if I donate to a sperm bank it's only a 60% success rate and some ridiculous amount of money for artificial insemination. He says he'll give me half now and the other half when she's pregnant... shit just freaks me out, having a kid I don't know running around in a couple of years... But I'm really considering it.


    I'm going to go ahead and call shenanigans.


    no self respecting man would pay someone five thousand dollars to fuck his hot wife.

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