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Everything posted by TheDemons

  1. fuck those damn wannabe oldschool flicks,i got older shit in my vault then all you fucken wetbacks and niggers.bitch! - TheDemons 7:77
  2. fuck jolt,jerry,nick and buckbang.suck my cack,you fucken followers.lmao.lick my asshole jejeje - TheDemons 7:77
  3. fuck you James from OinkLtd.com lick my balls with some Mr.Black ink on them.Jerry you sucked his nuts for him to do chicken scratch in your book.wow,what a cock sucker you are :) -TheDemons 7:77
  4. Girafa is stupid dumb white boy,he is whacked so to all you kids stop nobbing on his dick.He did nothing but dumb Girafa characters,his styles were whacked.Plus what you guys didn`t know that he didn`t do everything by himself there were other people that helped him.Come on everybody knows that.You mutha fuckas are zombies when it comes down to Graffiti.Open your eyes,look really close at all the Girafas most of them look different.I love his mugshot,did you see how ugly and scared the fucken piece of shit "Red Neck for Life" looked.jejejeje - TheDemons 7:77
  5. Hey you know what Tuco,I will stick my monsterous dick in your cutie pie asshole then you can say "Fuuuck thiisss sshiiit",you got it niggah.Now shut your fucken mouth before I really do attach a zipper and zip the mutha fucka closed.You and your fucken mom too,bitch.Now post some flicks,my hoe. - TheDemons 7:77
  6. Free TheMaker,He Turned himself in for hacking into computers. - TheDemons 7:77
  7. who cares what zack wrote on his blog.he beat leches ass,thats it end of story.if i were you zack i would of kicked shines ass to,fuck it two fucken fags that think there hard but they aint nothing but hipsters.they aint nobodies but shoe shiners. i would of told them"Go and get your shoe shine box".also bump that homegirl with the bald head and the big tat of jbf on the back of her head.she looks hella fine,ese.i would fuck that hynah,tu sabes -TheDemons 7:77
  8. zack got beat up by leche,latest news.zack tried twisting the story around.fag -TheMaker 510ish
  9. ^^i bet you have one too but with lube on it.
  10. bump riding fixies with no seat :)
  11. fuck gacho wkt.just stickers,never any hits ups anymore,sad sad.poor fat bastard he reminds me of that fat Bail Bonds Mom dude, "Because your momma wants you home".-TheDemons 7:77
  12. This is TheMaker speaking,Everything I say is the truth,why would I lie,there is no damn reason for me to lie.Now I`m dissapointed on 98% of yous guys.Do you know why,You jock people that dont give a flying fuck about you.You copy people styles when you should be creating your own.You side bust on walls,bus stops,etc.Some of you claim your kings when "Who the fuck made you kings!!" Theres alot of snitch writers that would drop dimes just to get less time for there crime.One more thing,theres only one Maker so stop acting like me,tuf guys.- TheMaker 510
  13. ohhh how cute your defending you hero Zack,just like every body else on his nuts.the dude dont piece,dont have good styles,dont have characters,dont have burners just ugly simple fucken throwies.come on now you fucken stupid fucken zombies stop following people and stop sucking his cack plus i dont tag.fucken nut swingers and stop e-thuggin,aight.-TheDemons 3 sevens is my lucky number 7:77
  14. I met you once before in a dark street down town,I said what up to you and your punk ass got scared,your eyes bulged out like you seen a ghost and started walking fast.I laughed once you passed me because this was the time when you got out of WKT because you couldnt handle the funk.haha You were so scared.What a tuf guy you are on the net but when it comes down to face to face,you just a tall fucken pussy like AN.haha.This is the truth kiddies.Good night Zack,get some balls before you talk your shit.-TheMaker 510
  15. So why did you tell Cash and lil Nor to stop cvrossing you out when you got out of WKT,since you say your The King of ups,Why the fuck were you scared of them? You cant handle them mano y mano or you were just a big tall pussy with toy ass styles? Your a joke.you will always be a toy and a pussy that hides behind his tags.Fucken punk ass bitch.So this is who you kids look up to,I feel sorry for all of you because I am saying the truth but keep on following this bitches foot steps so you can be a pussy like him.Zack your whacked and a fucken liar,trying to hide the truth.shame on you.-TheMaker 510
  16. What ever happened to Aot and Nc? wow mom thats what happenes when you think your the shit.Judge leave all those mutha fuckers in jail.Especially Delt I heard he sucks dick for rocks.oh well they were pretty slaming for there time.Who wants to go to Denny`s with me (Big Daddy),any one,you pay I fly.-TheMaker 510
  17. Young tuf guy,you only been writing for like umm 3 years,so I doubt your up more than anybody,I heard you cried when you got popped in Frisco,Is it true Zack,tells us how it went down?,amigo and put it on Alah - TheMaker 510
  18. Zack remember when you where in WkT,Amc,Up,Sjc,Bff,1810,Er, etc the list goes on,fucken crew hopper.I always wondered how "ohh shit I forgot the 5 minutes you were in TKo with that cotton picken nigger Vida",so any ways- do you,yes you think to yourself as a top notch bomber or writer,after all you crew hop alot,so would you give (us the media) an answer? -TheMaker 510
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