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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. all you people saying this biting shit is ok are all complete fools and a reflection to why the scene sucks presently and why there is only a few people left out there that dont bite, actually spend months and years pushing their own envelope to develope new ideas, that some herb online swoops in and steals. feel free to frolic amongst yourselves in agreeance, givin each other hand jobs and high fives. Ill be over here by myself, amongst the minority. recognizing bullshit when I see it. UMADONER.
  2. goes back to rules of graffiti, fillin over a throwup. Im sayin, if you gotta ask............. :rolleyes:
  3. here's an idea, go over to the sons of anarchy thread and remind everyone a 4th time how you know some ultra cool insight about one of the actors being a H.A. fuckin cornball.
  4. 7 DAYS of SALLY BOY CRYING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! A NEW RECORD HAS BEEN SET, a record DAO would be proud of. your prize
  5. I hear the "asliens" find it comfy while flying tho.
  6. you dumb toy, that sane was done by smith, and that SP is spek, who was king of the 4 and 5 roofs, and who is actually RIP. so take yourself back to saster and argue with the old timers. you lookin real stupid over here.
  7. niggaz is in love with photoshop and fake manga created women.
  8. thats u aint it? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. get ouuta here with your paid for 12oz account and jersey shore hairdo.
  10. this thread is all titties, what are you talkin about? mens titties. no homo
  11. this is the internet, settle down ONYX.
  12. TAKE YOU OUT HARD ayoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo faggotry.
  13. DMV has become the generic term for the "Department of Motor Vehicles". But some states, Ohio for example, have the official name "Bureau of Motor Vehicles." but then again, I hear Ohio still has slaves and KKK rallies regularly in public so, who cares about Ohio?
  14. pap got his deal from radio buzz and kay slay support, then he started beef wit fat joe and now hes no where to be found. and that 1.5 mill wasnt for a single that was for his contract and record deal as a whole.
  15. for real. This was genuinely a funny thread till these aliens got all offended. LOL Hey Alien, heres another person laughin at you.
  16. You are pretty hilarious, where do you think of these stories? Ms Paint? Hippies? LOL This is like the 6th day and you keep making yourself look stupider and stupider to EVERYONE who reads this funny tale your weaving, lets get this str8, YOU got mad cuz youre asian, and you didnt like a comment made somewhere in this thread.... you said some dumb nonsense and I negged you for being a sally boy. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Just let it go already, I feel bad for you, someone negg this homo for being a 6 day cry baby LOL. This HAS to be some kind of Channel Zero record. You sure this isnt another one of DAO's other screen names, you jsut cant stand to lose an E argument.
  17. LOLLLL, cuz you had your emotions all on fire and propped me by accident. Youre the type that gets mad behind the wheel and runs over a family on the sidewalk. It's been almost 5 days now, give it a rest. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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