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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. why didnt he just kill each zombiw outside the bus one by one who wanted to lick the blood? OR run out the back door? DERRR
  2. I like that theyre dealinin more reality type scenarios, but It's annoying when they cant manage to run or get away from chasing zombies.
  4. people who read maps while driving into zombies shouldnt be allowed to live anyway.
  5. yea hes gettin shafted by hollywood for sure. theyre like " listen Tom, just shut the fuck up and stay in your lane, youre only here to cater to the black demographic, you get outta line and we'll kill you off and replace you with another asian, yea thats right we'll put 2 asians on the show, just to show you how much we dont care about you" not to mention when they cut the crew their checks every week, the payroll guy is crackin up at how much they all get and then he prints out the black guys check and is like "haha, I make more then he does"
  6. oops, i meant he looked his best again BJ.
  7. the same kid that just shot at your head?
  8. are you kidding me? chop the guys legs off as a favor while theyre being stalked by zombies? sometimes they do the stupidest shit I swear.
  9. edgar looked best against lyotto, but in his last fight he got hit pretty hard and looked like it almost was his demise. I hope that dont happen against Hendo. I like Edgar, hes worked hard and he fount a style that works for him, Ive enjoyed his rise to the top.
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