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Walid Jumblat

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Everything posted by Walid Jumblat

  1. Hang on a fucking minute, I didn't say I believe the govt line and YOU are the one that's posting shit from newspapers, not me. I used concepts called historical knowledge, critical thinking and logic to show why I believed the position you have put forward is not supported by that load of weak crap you posted for us to read. Now, dry your fucking tears and show me where I said that I believe OBL was killed by ST6 in Abbatobad, show me where I said that the newspapers are right and that you can believe politicians.
  2. Well, thanks for making graf suck just that little bit more than it did before you posted this thread.
  3. Here's a few tips for young players: If you ever have to imply something to make your argument, you don't have one! If you ever have to rely on the audience's imagination for them to grasp your theory, you're wasting their time! I'm an idiot for even reading that shit in the first place.
  4. One of the most embarrassing moments in my country's recent history, the whole ugly episode. Nah, I say Beirut because Walid Jumblatt is the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party in Lebanon and the leader of the Druze community. He's 'also one of the freakiest looking fuckers I've ever seen and has a funky-ass name.
  5. Hang on a minute Cuntflaps, you didn't post one single fucking thing that makes an argument for him being dead, alive or living on the moon. You posted a huge bunch of supposition and speculation in newspapers and and acted like that is some kind of evidence. You quote Iranian state press in one of the first items saying that he'd been captured. You really think that the Iranian state is an objective observer?! Read Fars ISNA, Press TV and IRNA for two weeks and try and corroborate even half of what they say. Then move to Pakistan and read The Nation, Geo, Dawn and a bunch of the others, pay close attention to people like the Rehman Malik and try corroborating half of the claims that these organisations and people make on a daily basis. Secondly, posting claims of this and that doesn't mean SQUAT. Are you really trying to argue that opinion pieces, personal theories and speculation in newspapers is anything to draw conclusions from? You post an interview with Benazir Bhutto who doesn't even make a claim that he's dead and then mention that she was killed soon after. So fucking what? are you implying that she was assassinated because that erroneous mention of OBL? If so then make an explicit argument instead of trying to provoke people to use their imagination to support your theory. Bhutto was going back in to Pakistan with the outright pledge to take on the militants and those in the military and ISI who were supporting them. It was fucking obvious that they were going to try and stop her. Are you even aware of the extreme levels of political violence that country experiences on a daily basis?! The country is absolutely saturated with political violence, it is the norm there and she was overtly taking on the most violent and capable organisations in the country. Does it not sound much more feasible that they killed her?? And FFS, she wasn't claiming that OBL was dead. She was talking about Omar Shiekh who murdered Daniel Pearl not fucking OBL. You don't think she simply got her shit wrong? Show me one other time and place where Benazir Bhutto makes the claim that OBL is dead because if that's all you've got for us to go on you're fucking kidding yourself. The Chinook that went down in Afghanistan actually didn't have ST6 on it, they were the initial news reports that came out that have since been retracted. You haven't offered SHIT here other than a stoooopid amount of reasons why you shouldn't be taken seriously. Goddamnit, I took the time to read all that shit you posted only to find that you don't even know how to make an argument, let alone do serious research.
  6. They're all funk but that last one is off the scale. Awesome post.
  7. They do exist (sorry about that, didn't mean to be insulting!), unfortunately my main exposure has been backpackers and the Barmy Army. Not really a representative sample group given that I fucking hate most cricket fans along with backpackers and their bullshit spiritual journey bullshit they think they've had because they went to a full moon party in Thailand and dropped an E. I fucking hate hippy bongo playing dreadlock shit tattoo mooching ass backpackers.
  8. What are the actual laws regarding graf in Sao Paolo? I ask because I've been there and I saw graf everywhere..., like everywhere. Took pics as well if anyone gives a shit.
  9. Vast majority of Iranians I have met have been really well educated, definitely relaxed and a lot of the women have been fucking bangin. I can easily say that per capita I have met more cool Iranians than I have met cool Poms. The only people I have met where I have a problem with the majority have been the Lebanese. However that is probably because I've been subjected to a pretty specific group of Lebs only, the ones who ended up in Sydney as refugees.
  10. Ah, there are legal walls everywhere in my town and the only thing that stops me from bombing is that I'm too fucking old and prefer to fall asleep when I get pissed, as opposed to go out and run amok. When I was younger no amount of legal walls would have stopped me from hitting trains and especially my own school.
  11. What, I'm not allowed to have my own, polite opinion? What's wrong with having a a view on art and making a comment on an internet forum specifically designed for discussion?
  12. That was a joke? Jesus dude, don't give up your day job. Anyway, you flatter yourself if you think that made me mad. Back to pissing on things.....
  13. Nascar pace car driver = COP NBA umpires = COPS Big John McCarthy = FUCKING COP!!
  14. Jesus, talk about dumb comment of the day award for this one. Again I suggest you go look at how many fortune 500 companies have ex-Marines as CEOs. *Edit - fuck it, not worth explaining myself to a forum. Basically, that comment was fucking stoopid, dude. Cilone, the dude who was made governor is either loving or hating having his pic taken, not sure which.
  15. Quality assurance auditors = COPS Hygiene inspectors = COPS Dude sitting at the begging of the water slide managing the flow of people down the tube = MOTHER FUCKING COP!!!!!!
  16. You're not trying to win over the guy with the gun, you're trying to win the people in the middle. That's the people who have the ability to give them food and shelter should they so choose, the people who have to decide if they want the Govt the Americans are offering or the nation the Taliban are fighting for. You're also trying to win over the people who vote in Pakistan, who write opeds in Egypt, who give Friday prayers in Indonesia and who talk in tea houses in Sudan. The guy with the gun will usually respond to fear and force, you have to be able to offer the rest of the world something they want and undermine the ability of your opponent to make you look like the great Satan. That's how this game works and these guys failed at it, pretty fucking badly.
  17. What, because they are animals means we should be too? Many of them don't wipe their arse after shitting in the streets, guess that means it's a good idea for us too!! Bottom line is that this shit is fodder for the insurgent's PR machine and if Awlaki were still alive you know this would be turning up in the next issue of Inspire. Seriously, what a tip top way of recruiting young men from Islamic countries to kill us. Carrying out the act, unnecessary and childish but it's war, shit happens. Taking pics and showing the world? Just dumb, dumber than dog shit dumb.
  18. I'd happily bet that those designs are bitten right off the net somewhere for the most part anyway. And yes, they are as gay as hell...., as in the happy go lucky annoying sense of the world. Even the few homos that I know wouldn't be caught dead wearing shit like that.
  19. retired old ladies holding 'Children Crossing' signs out the front of schools = COPS!
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