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Everything posted by GraffGirl

  1. I don't like SEKT adaptor as much. I bought 5 and they haven't lasted very long. If you leave a cap in the adaptor for an hour or more after using it, the paint will dry and you've gotta use chemicals to thin down the paint-- hopefully without melting that lil silicon-ish donut that pretty much 'makes' the adaptor. That means dabbing paint thinner on it a little at a time... or playing russian roulette with acetone or xylene. Plus, they don't seem to work as well with fat-caps so I've pretty much only used them with greydots. And aren't EZ caps just PAM caps except a different color? I've never bought those caps from AP because they look so much like PAM caps, I don't wanna buy if I can just rack 'em so easily. Rack or get female caps off of Trout. Srsly.
  2. ^ This. ^ And this. It's seriously to the point where female/male cans don't matter much if you know what caps to rack or where to buy 'em (ie: trout). I prefer the female cans though because of the amount of experimentation I get to do and how it got me into the habit of never leaving a store without rackin' some caps to test.
  3. I was told that certain a block was "dead" (safe) at night, only to do my own recon and find that the area is a gang neighborhood. I didn't get in a bad situation, but if I wasn't smart about it... I don't even want to think about what would've happened.
  4. ^ good advice. But, a security guard will have no more of a right to detain you than the store clerk would. They would both do a "citizens arrest", but that's a very shady area because they must be 100% sure and have proof that you committed a crime. If not, and they can't prove anything, then they may be punishable for false arrest or if they relocate you, kidnapping. Only law enforcement has the civil duty to place a person "under arrest". A citizens arrest was mostly meant to stop a violent crime, like, tackling and restraining a murderer or rapist. JerseyViking gave the best advice to add onto Virtue's advice, DENY EVERYTHING. EVEN IF THEY HAVE VIDEO, DENY EVERYTHING. If you can walk away, RUN AWAY. Say I DIDN'T DO SHIT and GTFO of there. If they chase you, ditch the marker when you're far enough away. So, if 5-O somehow nabs you, they don't have shit.
  5. If you weren't Mirandized and you were taken into police custody... you were technically falsely arrested. Unless you weren't arrested at all and will not have a court date. That's the law. If you weren't made aware of your Miranda Rights, the arrest is nulled. Secondly, a raid can only take place with a court order. They will not be able to raid your neighbor's houses unless they can prove to a judge that those specific houses have evidence that they need to convict a criminal or if they are harboring a criminal. Calling it quits is not the way to go. If you're in this for the right reasons (yourself), giving up isn't a choice. Some gave you the advice to write a different word. I'm not one of those people. I've been arrested 4 times since I started writing at 13 and I'm in my mid 20's now. I copped a youthful offender plea on my 1st conviction. I spent a few months (can't be specific here) in Juvi on my 2nd conviction. Got 1,000 hours of community service on my 3rd conviction and was lucky enough to escape my last arrest without conviction. I -never- changed my name. Your name is most likely in a database, true, but the thing with graffiti is that it's a 'crime' that they have to catch you doing in order to convict. My advice: Be careful out there. You got pinched before. Learn from it and start to harbor a good sense of paranoia on the street. It'll not only keep you outta jail, it'll keep you outta a body bag too.
  6. I'll probably quit if I someday I feel like bombin in China and I get caught. Cus they'd probably chop my hands off. I'd honestly try to practice writing with my feet afterward though...
  7. Miller High-Life bottle filled with Pilot black with a sock as a nib. :)
  8. ^you'd need a sprayer made completely outta glass. If it melts a chain-link fence-- it'll melt almost any container you'd wanna put it in. :lol: I usually just climb. But there have been a few times when I'd cut two holes the day before, in case i needed emergency exits. I use a cheap set of regular 18" bolt cutters and they work fine. I don't think brand really matters unless you're breaking locks, amirite guys?
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