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Everything posted by pabstblueribbons

  1. more drugs in the streets son, fuck that coffeshop bullshit anyways
  2. the shits under the castro and aper were running for more than 3 years.. someone has the picture of the jays that was under that?
  3. all u oh kids need to stop bombing live, side bustin`everyone, bombing retarded spots..... you guys sucks go back to ottawa
  4. to the fuckhead who went next to the jays and wrote RIP, ur a dumb mofucka and i hope i never catch you, its not the first time im seeing these shit, thats straight up disrespect, the dude would love to have his shit runing forever without a fucking RIP next to it if u knew him ,but u clearly didnt knew him.
  5. go on st-laurent, its the best street on thursday/friday/saturday to have fun. u should try to go to bluedog or blizzart. bifteck has them 10$ pitcher too i dont know where on st-laurent exactly. get some chow mein or whatever how they spell it, 4$ for the big plate, u gonna want more! bluedog on sundays got them free kegs still!
  7. This guy have been putting more work than a bunch of montreal peeps... bump ykw funk
  8. BIG DARE. 3865555555555555555555
  9. fuck them.. bunnin' j's for my boy jays.. that's the real shit.....
  10. http://www.facebook.com/posted.php?id=100001176212105#!/edouard.h.bond ce gars c'est un imbecile.. allez si vous le voyez dans la rue donnez y un ptit coup de point sur la gueule sa va peut-etre le reveillez... c'est lui qui est entrain de jouer avec le feu maintenant....
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