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Everything posted by usedcarman

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG4ABqB8-eI&feature=player_embedded
  2. i bet this is fake. maybe not. who knows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xax8gcWKpGI&feature=player_embedded
  3. never buy toilet paper or lightbulbs. theres an over abundance of them anywere you look.
  4. i have taken 7 xanax and a glass of wine. and some Robitussin. and i would like for there to be a song for specifically that combination of drugs
  5. if you were alive in 2006 you are one of the many recipients of Time magazine's Person of the year award. in 2006 time magazine gave "everyone" the award while making their cover as close to a mirror as possible. be sure to mark it on your resume. if you need to be sick for something publicly, eat half a cigarette. youll get sweaty dizzy pale clammy and youll look sick. in 20 minutes after eating youll aggressively vomit. a dramatic but effective way to prove sickness if war is near breaking out. invest in that nations razor blade companies. many more young men will be shaving on a regular basis. buying a new car is functionally equivalent to buying a used car then paying an exorbitant sum of money to have it cleaned if your ever doing strange or unusual in public and you're hassled look them in the eye and say im making art do you mind? you can get away with just about anything.
  6. hmmmm. let me see here. tryna help you guys out. walk on the sides of stairs to avoid or reduce creeks press 0 during most automatic menu phone systems to be transferred to the operator. or mashing all the buttons work as well. or if voice activated you can say representative if you feel uncomfortable looking into someones eyes when they talk to you look at their nose or forehead, they cant tell the difference on elevators press your floor and close door at the same time to skip anyone who pressed the floor ahead of you AAA costs $26 and you get 3 free tows a year. buy it if your shoes smell. treat your feet not your shoes if you dont know somones name just say im sorry but what was your name again? they act offended but they give you their name just say no i ment your last name. bingo first and last names. dont be rude but never answer any cops questions when called for questioning. EVERYTHING YOU SAY WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU. THEY CANNOT HELP YOU. if you ever have to present something bring a bottle of water and if your stuck somewere drink to gather your thoughts. nobody will be the wiser the color of twist ties on bread in the supermarket indicate which day the bread was shipped fresh to the store. monday=blue tuesday=green thursday=red friday=white saterday=yellow
  7. if you ever need an umbrella when out walking and it starts raining. go to any resteraunt and ask them if they found your umbrella. if they ask what it looks like. say its black. always walk like you know where you are and what your doing. most people will just let you go. when buying something online and you see a spot for a promo code or coupon code just go on google and enter northface coupon codes or whatever website your on. theres always something from 25% off to free shipping. if an officer asks you were your going, the correct answer is always HOME. if you get a call from a telemarketer, you can press 9 at any time, the call will be dropped and your phone number is put on the do not call list. 95% of companies have this.
  8. exactly what vandal squad would say
  9. we all know your celebrity status with the vandal squad so your either snitchin on your own self or vandal squad
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=849p21CiyL0&feature=related lol
  11. they aint rape shit were im from or were anyones from who dont live in the city. thats real shit if you ever seen such
  12. son of a bitch thats SMO rfs. lucky bastard found the exact pic on robots will kill.
  13. I'm not the type that will argue with you for 20 pages about this shit. get a life. searching Google to respond with a picture. Every one's laughing at you. no matter what you say i will not respond
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