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Everything posted by usedcarman

  1. cooooool, no offense but why the dick in the a every time, mix it up.
  2. you can get two for 5 on canal street
  3. dont assume. i have a 380 dollar phantom vaporizor and a 140 dollar bong with accesories and i have a 50 dollar pollen sifter and pollen press to make my own hash and doubles as an extacy pill press. my "g" if you were around in the era of "etchburns" (aka me) you would know what im working with. also nothing wrong with posting pictures of bongs or even you or your boys cleaning a bong even though its off topic. the fact that you feel everyone should see you naked in the process is suspect.
  4. over korn i suppose? anyone care to enlighten, also his A changed
  5. bro. your the one who decided to post yourself naked. everyone who goes here obviosly gunna see it. so what were your motives on posting it? you want people to see? thats just strange
  6. whatever they call you god just listn
  7. your making yourself look more and more like a clown. you cant tell me you dont know even one spot to rag him at?
  8. Why have internet beef when 90% of you know who break legs is just go out and rag him with your actual tag, not 12 oz usernames lol ahhh technology
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