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Posts posted by 50million

  1. Today i learned that a woman in arizona has been making an extra $20,000 a year selling her breastmilk. Should I start a milkbank?


    they actually sell breastmilk ice cream in london. it's expensive and sells like crazy! supposedly it doesnt taste too bad..


    they get it from 2 or 3 women and live extremely healthy lives and eat only organic food...supposedly.







    50, what do you feel is the best illegal way to make money? (napkins in atm?)





    what can you tell me about growing tobacco plants?


    Tabacco reproduction in the us is very weird. If you can get a plant vs seeds, you might have better luck. I hear the heirloom stuff is better. My homie has a few plants in Oakland. He generally tries to get it in a warm spot too. I'll hit him up and see what he says.



    The money question- I guess it depends who you are and how far you'll go. A woman's healthy eggs go for about $2,000 or more, and that's not even illegal. And if your illegally selling something, just keep on the hustle.


    I would suggest human kidneys, going to grocery stores and resale shit (if you know someone who will buy that shit), or bring it to a different location and get a refund.


    If your I'm Cali, sell some o c's mang.

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  3. I've got one...how do I get a hold of you? When I'm passing through your neighborhood I'll occasionally stop by to see if you're around, but so far no dice. Plus my BB went wonky and ate all my numbers, hence I haven't been able to call too many people lately.


    I'm still at the same place and number if you want to get in touch. I work Mondays all day (yeah, I'm employed now) so that's usually a bad time to catch me.


    No dice erry time I call you. That Dani chick needs to talk to you too. I don't have your number saved...so call me/email me. I got promoted and work in sf now. I'm on salary so I technically work m-f 9 to 5 but it's more like 6 twelve hour days... Bur I've been working om some crafty projects and music...been to some rad shows in the last few weeks. Hit me up!

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