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Posts posted by sayWORD?

  1. what argument?


    i love how i call you out for being a internet homo who cant get enough of sayword, and you deflect that remark into "i love how everyone is laughing at dude".


    just like when i call you out with some shit, and your little ignorant brain ceases to come up with something clever or witty enough in the necessary time constraints, so you just put "UMAD LOL", and neg me.




    im smarter. more humorous, better looking, and have fucked more girls than you have.

    admit it, im better than you in every way, shape, and form.


    you want to be me.


    an obese american version of me.


    or at least suck my dick.


    both of which you will never succeed at.


    now go try and fail to pick up some bitches.

  2. hey gas, did it take you a few days to work up your courage to come shittalk me again, after your ignorance of current events and foreign policy was so blatantly revealed by yours truly?


    you try so hard to act like you know what youre talking about, but its okay niggy, i know.

  3. hey mercer, no one cares.


    50 how many pimples are you rockin right now that you have to come on an internet forum to get men to converse with you? im guessing at least 5 pus-filled ones.

  4. and on another note...


    the amount of tampons i received for this shit is fuckin hilarious.

    especially swamp, who sends me the umad neg like its supposed to crush my spirits.

    no homey, you mad for trying to ruin my all important "internet reputation" that i live and die for.


    i couldnt sleep last night just thinking about it.

  5. wow you kids catch feelings.


    i thought id give yall a little opportunity to vent your supposed online hatred for the country above you, so i could understand a little better your stereotypical attitudes.


    apparently asking for an explanation on 12oz is the equivalent of being a "whiny bitch", kinda sad.


    ive fucked your girls before, theyre much easier to bag than canadian broads, probably because we canadians are polite, charming, educated, and have bigger dicks.


    the xbox live thing was an example, yall kinda blew that shit outta proportion. i cant tell you how many times ive been partying with americans who act like they smoke pounds of weed/could drink me under the table, you know typical american bullshit. those same kids are usually greening out fifteen minutes later, with puke dripping off their american eagle hoodies.


    as far as rockin your clothes? fuckit son, keep your tommy hilfiger and calvin klein. i fuck with the italian shit, gets the bitches wetter.


    ill keep using america for its weather and easily influenced female population. so you keep on fighting the world and keep me and my canadian brethren safe from the bad guys.






    ps. isnt it ironic that in a matter of a day dudes went from hating on canada to bustin australias balls? i think some of you may have a slight inferiority complex.


    and its cuh-ler and i hate the whole stompdown internet youtube im a writer that films myself painting everything shit.

  6. -we supply your country with more resources than any other country (although not according to bush, who falsely believed mexico was your countrys biggest trading partner).


    Who gives a fuck ou guys wana trade with us then alright

    I'm sure the good place of America would do good with those faggots from canada


    -we fight in the same wars (except iraq) and have always been allies.


    Who the fuck said we needed your help? You come in here thinking you're all bad

    We don't need no fuckin geese drinking some maple syrup around here that's just fucking retarded

    Why don't your mountie faggots come in here and try and protect against a tank



    -we are both democratic nations, where freedom is of the utmost importance.


    Fuck your backwards version of freedom


    -we share the same border, and allow travel quite freely on both sides.


    We only travel freely cus Canada fags come on an go "Oh shit America is dope" then they never go back because it's gay.


    Why don't you grow some balls queer that's why we hate canadians cus instead of doing something and being better you go "Why do they hate us"

    Man up fags.


    (Canada's cool though I like it up there.)


    oh wow. where should i start?

    ill try to filter through your broken english to explain something to you, obviously your teacher didnt do a good enough job.


    "Who gives a fuck ou guys wana trade with us then alright

    I'm sure the good place of America would do good with those faggots from canada"


    we are resource rich, with a relatively small population. meaning we have things that you guys need to keep your economy going. last i checked, you werent doin so hot these last two years, but dont worry we're there for you homey.


    "Who the fuck said we needed your help? You come in here thinking you're all bad

    We don't need no fuckin geese drinking some maple syrup around here that's just fucking retarded

    Why don't your mountie faggots come in here and try and protect against a tank"


    have you heard of vimy ridge? how about when our country fought in WWII, and your country sat back until the japs bombed pearl harbour? then you guys got all pissed and atom bombed japan. good job, it ended the war, i sincerely thank you for that. but without our contributions, its very possible your mother could have been gettin buttfucked by some nazi officer, and your last name would be fritz. read a history book homey.


    "Fuck your backwards version of freedom"


    a version of freedom that ensures health care to every citizen regardless of economic standing? a version of freedom where you can smoke weed openly, where police will most likely just confiscate it and send you on your way if its an amount that doesnt scream "drug dealer"? i like our freedom fine, thanks.


    "We only travel freely cus Canada fags come on an go "Oh shit America is dope" then they never go back because it's gay."


    i dont even understand what youre saying here, but ill take your word for it.

  7. people from the east coast sound nothing like people from out west, and im not just talking about the french.

    i guess you'd have to live here.


    i dont want americans to like canadians more, thats not the point of this.

    i was generally curious as to what your reasoning was.


    i got "we suck", and ive pretty much came to the conclusion that hatin americans hate on anyone who's not from the us. hmmm.

  8. are you joking me gas? what part of it was your governmets policy do you not understand? BLAME CANADA. blame your dickhead former president. i think your education system needs a bit of tweaking. a canadian knows more about your government policy than you do.


    and i agree with you border crossing sucks for those with convictions. i was held up cause homey had a traffiking charge when we got evacuated from mexico to the us because of katrina. us customs boarded the plane and asked if anyone had a criminal record. homey was left with the decision to either lie or tell the truth. fearing the worst he told the truth, needless to say we were stranded for 2 days sleeping at the airport, while homey sat in a holding cell, only to be led back on a plane bound for canada in arm and leg shackles.

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