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Everything posted by EastHastings

  1. mcbutt the crime dog. never wanna grow old. gay sex orgy.
  2. truth, but get bible verses the fuck outta here.
  3. bump bacon. and raisin toast. fuck lil wayne. more pushing on.
  4. i feel like that orange cajen was filled with gloss valspar. i used it once (by mistake) and it looked like that. but its still fresh. and the live too. still sick, day 5.
  5. ironlak is good. but i steal paint. end. NO MOER DISCUSSION.
  6. though opinions are different, egzy didnt do that. it was a dedication.
  7. i thought you were dead. and thanks for the dedication piece.
  8. that zyon hand is hot fire. monkey wrenches are tooo big for comfort by the way...until you bring it down on some MS13 bullshitters. /nogangbeef lawl.
  9. he will give you herpes. last time i promise.
  10. i heard about that big ol' dick you got.
  11. more penis, 2short, and skye! fuck da swine flu.
  12. i always wondered what was buffed. bump.
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