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Sleazeside Heights

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Posts posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. dear old friends,


    im back in town and wanted to hang, lets me down some of you didn't get back to me at all. Psyched on the good friends I did get to see. I've missed you.



  2. word, that's what their there for. Saw an old flame recently, and too many feelings became overwhelming, was on a 2-day bender, but was doing great for weeks before that. Poor choice in handling that. Had a sober 4th with my buddy today though, was nice. hope you are all safe tonight.

  3. maybe your depression stems from the fact that you like to go to the hood for vacay.


    yeah basically, haha.



    yeah north philly there's no shortage of grime, in fact you might be getting more than you bargained for. There's a lot of hood in south philly too. between snyder and oregon you'll be in business.


    meet up with dao and you guys can argue for hours debate style.

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