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Everything posted by twonpoo

  1. How will they remove a 80 foot long concrete wall and move it? LOL
  2. youre so punk rock dude. only, 30 yrs too late.
  3. hmm, thats a tough one, their both dope writers, I cant see a reason for either to bite. Could be a coincidence.
  4. bikers black guys guns senial pops funeral cop killed smashed face friends thank me later.
  5. no, youre right, they smash for sure. They also have good judgement about how to execute publicly seen murals in nyc like the school they just did. Definitely no half stepping there. To me this is what happens when the student(s) outdo the teacher.
  6. LEE, FUTURA, COPE2, JA, CRASH, OMNI, PHASE2, VULCAN, JON156, BLADE, GHOST....... if you want just the whole tagbanging thing WITH HANDSTYLES EASY/JOSH5 ( still alive ) SKUF SABE DEXA REVS SCOPE SEREUNO all incredible handwriting that woulda made a great statement alone about the art of handwriting if thats the angle you purists are looking to convey. and the list goes on and on for people with incredible handwriting. This is just to play devils advocate, it still doesnt solve any issue of the walls quality, thats just who I would replaced it with if it WAS ONLY nyers. in terms of the Dietch herd , I would have put a SACE memorial, or had Espo do the whole shebang like his love letters to philly campaign, each and every one of those messages where a work of art in itself. At least a giant JOSH or TWIST would have been a more blatent anlge of what Harvey was refering but some tags? Barry, hate to say it my dude, you half stepped and its time to hit the drawing boards again or pass it off to someone who would have hit a home run.
  7. no the guy who got the bj from the fbi chick last season, windburn face whats his name.
  8. but Harvey, what youre rooting for is the punk idea of rebelion, something NYC was the origin of over 30 yrs ago only a few blocks from this very wall, just sayin, you cant go wrong with just quality artwork. The whole punk, anti art passing it as art is ironic and trendy hipster gay horse shit. back to square one. Punk is normal in 2010, having a regualr haircut is the new mohawk. By the time you understand what Im saying, there will something else even more ironic and "hip" like a track bite with breaks , just to be ironic.
  9. acquire females rent them out and acquire currency.
  10. Harvey, healthy debate is good, if you genuinely feel the way you do, rock out. But the way you innitially came to rescue just sounded alil jockish, thats all. I am a fan of art, I collect it, and make it and even sell it at times. I enjoy getting into talks about art, especially if I like the artists, but Im being real man, I was disapointed at the sub par outcome of this particular "project" as a solution for the mangled wall that was there prior. When I heard Twist & Amaze where gonna rock it, I thought for sure the bar had been raised , these guys are gonna come and hit a home run. Not spend 4 hours taking tags, and writing a lot of useless shit, like the Josh thing and the Vename B.S. stuff. You know damn well if a NY artist went to Frisco and did a similar wall and wrote CREAM TDK RIP, all the locals would be like "WTF????, if you gnna show respect, do it right! or its worse then not even writing it to begin with"
  12. Only thing worse would be krink goin by and dripping blue and yellow bucket paint from the top and telling everyone he's an artist too!
  13. I never once said Nyers SHOLUD have done it,I said most of us CAN do what was done if not better. youre all confused and making assumptions, what I have said is I enjoy good Twist artwork, this however was sub par for him. And the funny thing is, he would probably agree! and again, i never said your opinion isnt your opinion, what the hells going on here????????? I basically said you are guilty of cheerleading, and if you couldnt understand that before, then I spelled it out simpler this time. Asside form those 2 obvious and overworked points, I think its gay to be ironic, and its gay to put up a street legend and say hes RIP. Get your propometer up allday, lol. It doesnt mean your right, it means your cheerleader squad is bigger then mine, LOL. and we all know cheerleaders win the game. :rolleyes: what can be said is what the guy above said, in the end its a win reguardless for graff. But being on that wall is a win reguardless, why not knock it out the park? The reason OsGemeos murdered that wall out, is because they are still hungry and humble artists. I dont know Barry personally, but by his actions one could be lead to think he's arrogent and doesnt deserve his place on that space, Im not saying that, but thats what it gives off, all done under the umbrella of "irony" and tight pants. LOL
  14. Beelzibub raped him and told him that is he told god, his imaginary girlfriend would break up with him.
  15. I dont care what you, or anyone says to me about opinions, I know quality work when I see it, even if I dont like the person doing it, if they rock the house, Ill give it up , not a prob for me. And at the same time even if I do like the person, and they half step, I can tell them they are, instead of them sitting in a room of yesmen cheerleaders praising low quality.
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