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Everything posted by WilsonFisk

  1. much respect to this crew -DeeYouEyeFam 509
  2. Nobody in spokane knows whats real and whats not, wack motherfuckers diss everything here. Locals dont even wreck the town hard
  3. Hey for people in Spokane, does anyone know who crossed through the whole production at UTF with pink paint? The one Diget was in.
  4. hahahahahaha this is the funniest shit ever
  5. BUMP 3A, BTM, KYT, NOK. Fucking anything. Is anything going on in the Northwest at all? Shit man. 75% of the last 5 pages is bullshit. I don't really want to see reposts neither. I just want to see whats going on in the streets right now. That's what everybody should want. Also just put Tanx on your ignore or snuff his punk ass.
  6. Seriously if your going to make music stay true to the roots of the music your making. I'm not saying you can't be hip or innovative. Really though shit is so fucking fake these days. Kids are Jerk dancing, people are "on a boat", it's all a fucking mockery. I'm not an older cat either but I guess I'm still stuck in the 90's when thugs didn't wear skinny jeans and hang out with rich white kids. I don't know it might just be me.
  7. Check these dudes out they're like hip and shit, but they can do so without being complete faggot trendy sellouts. PAC DIV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPZ0C_gp4us
  8. I don't really think neither of them wants to talk to pigs, but you never know.
  9. They don't need to because they're too busy in the streets to fuck with media. bump 42's
  10. Damn homie, just giving props. people make some lame slaps but these are killer
  11. Hell yea CIK doing it big in Spokane bump Diget and Ways
  12. Whats this dude write? because he's in my town also
  13. Re: Great Pictures~ How deep does shit get? ' ...As deep as the abyss (also the last picture is jay-z way before beyonce)
  14. It's hard to for people to adjust their life out of what they have grown to believe is normal or comfortable and used to. Then one thing changes (they lose their cellphone or television) and then they hate their life, when in reality the majority of the world doesn't even have most of these things and are completely fine with it.
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